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The University of Iowa has a wide variety of undergraduate-to-graduate (U2G) programs. Often referred to by such names as BS/MS, 4+1s, 3+2s, or dual degrees, U2G programs enable students to complete what is normally a six-year training process (four years for the bachelor’s degree, and two for the master’s degree) in five years. For general information that applies to all U2G degrees at Iowa, see the Graduate College site.
The CBE department participates in two U2G programs. One is a BS in chemical engineering followed by an MS in chemical engineering. The other is a BS in chemical engineering followed by an MS in environmental engineering. These have been offered since 2007.
Accelerate your grad degree with U2G
When to apply for the U2G program
Students should talk with their advisor and decide whether or not to apply for the U2G program during their junior year. Students must apply to the Graduate College for acceptance into the program before starting their final two semesters.
Types of U2G Programs
Five-year U2G program: BS CBE / MS CBE
Our U2G program with both degrees in chemical engineering is ideal for students interested in product research, product development, and design. The U2G program can be used for an MS in chemical engineering with thesis, or an MS in chemical engineering by coursework only with no thesis.
The U2G program allows up to 12 of the 30 semester hours required for the MS degree to be cross-credited, and thus count for both the BS and MS degrees. Students pursuing this path will normally take the following graduate courses during years 4 and 5 of the U2G process; these courses will be supplemented by additional technical electives and research, as appropriate to the student’s plan of study.
- CBE:5104 Literature Review and Technical Writing
- CBE:5110 Intermediate Thermodynamics
- CBE:5120 Data Science in Chemical & Engineering Systems
- CBE:5152 Transport Phenomenon
Minimum eligibility requirements for the CBE U2G program:
- Students who began undergraduate studies at the University of Iowa must complete at least 80 semester hours of undergraduate work (earned at the University of Iowa) prior to admission consideration
- Students who began undergraduate studies at another institution and transferred to the University of Iowa must complete at least 30 semester hours of undergraduate work (earned at the University of Iowa) prior to admission consideration
- UI cumulative GPA of 3.25 or greater at the time of admission consideration
- Must be chemical engineering undergraduate student
To help in your consideration of the U2G plan, the following documents are available:
Five-year U2G program: BS CBE / MS environmental engineering
The Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (CBE) and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) support a combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree program to serve students planning a BS in CBE and an MS in environmental engineering and science from CEE (BS CBE/MS CEE). This is ideal for students interesting in pursuing careers in the environmental chemical sciences; for example, dealing with clean water, alternative energy, air pollution, ecosystem services, and toxins in the environment. Graduates of this track typically pursue consulting and government careers.
Students admitted to this program will be allowed to:
- Apply up to three engineering courses (9 s.h.) towards the requirement from both the BS in CBE and MS in CEE
- Take an additional 3 s.h. of graduate coursework before completing their BS
- Attend and participate in the departmental graduate seminar
- Begin to work on master's thesis or project research with a CEE faculty member starting as early as the summer following the junior year of undergraduate studies.
To be eligible for the BS CBE/MS CEE program, an undergraduate CBE student must:
- Complete at least 80 semester credit hours towards their BS degree from the College of Engineering
- Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25
- Identify a CEE faculty member as their potential graduate advisor.
Students are encouraged to begin the online application in the spring of the junior year. The complete application for the BS CBE/MS CEE program, GRE scores optional, must be received by the Office of Graduate Admissions before the beginning of the senior year (summer or winter break). Admission to the MS program is subject to review by the CEE Director of Graduate Studies.
To help in your consideration of the U2G joint degree program, the following document is available: