College Research Centers and Institutes
- Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- Center for Hydrologic Development
- Driving Safety Research Institute
- Iowa Initiative for Artificial Intelligence
- Iowa Institute for Biomedical Imaging
- IIHR—Hydroscience and Engineering
- Iowa Flood Center
- Iowa Superfund Research Program
- Iowa Technology Institute
Other Centers, Laboratories, and Resources
- Combustion and High-Speed Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
- Iowa Geological Survey
- Photopolymerizations Center (NSF I/UCRC)
- Solidification Laboratory
- W.M. Keck Phytotechnologies Laboratory
Interdisciplinary Research Centers and Institutes
- Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing
- Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research
- Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination
- Environmental Health Sciences Research Center
- Heartland Center for Occupational Health and Safety
- Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center
- Iowa Superfund Research Program
- John and Marcia Carver Nonprofit Genetic Testing Laboratory
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institute at UI
- NSF Center for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis
- Optical Science and Technology Center
- Orthopaedic Biomechanics Laboratory
- Project 3000 --Finding every man, woman and child affected with Lebers Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) in the U.S.
- Public Policy Center