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What's New in ETC
Newly updated Laptop recommendations for engineering students.
Recent Changes
Adobe Acrobat Sign In Required
Due to recent changes in Adobe Acrobat, sign in with you hawkid and password are now required. For more details see the following ITS article:
For for detail, please see the Adobe Setup and Sign In Instructions
Can't find software on a Lab system or in VDI (Virtual Desktop)?
Look in AppsAnywhere on the computer. Instructions for AppsAnywhere.
Host keys updated for Engineering Linux systems
You may receive a message stating this from systems you have connected to in the past. These message are expected and unavoidable. Simple click or type an affirmative response. Examples: SSH on Putty, SSH terminal, and FastX3
FastX3 now primary version of FastX on Engineering systems
FastX3 is now the primary version of FastX used on Engineering systems including Though the summer, more system will be converted to FastX3 and FastX2 will be removed. If you have an issue with using FastX2, please try the instructions below and try FastX3. If you are still having an issue, please contact Engineering Computer Services. (FastX3 Installation Instructions)

Engineering Machine Shop
We provide concept development, project design, and prototyping services for any University students, faculty, researchers, and staff.

Engineering Services & Resources
Links to various services and resources offered by the Engineer Technology Center.

Spaces and associated technology available through the Engineering Technology Center/College of Engineering.