Our Biological and Pharmaceutical faculty apply the principles of engineering design, synthesis and analysis to biological systems and biomedical technologies. The department's research involves a multidisciplinary approach to solve problems at the interface of the physical sciences, life sciences, and engineering, particularly in the areas of biocatalysis, drug delivery, medical devices, and tissue engineering. 

Researchers are working to develop safe delivery systems that target drugs precisely in the human body and avoid premature metabolization or elimination. New materials are being developed that can prevent or eliminate infections on medical implants, interact with the human body to perform certain functions while maintaining compatibility


Jennifer Fiegel

Jennifer Fiegel

Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Current research: Treatments for persistent bacterial infections in the lungs; new tools to evaluate biointeractions; aerosol interactions with lung fluids; dry powder and aerosol formulations to treat skin infections.

PhD student joe gomes smiling in a grey suit

Joe Gomes

Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Current research: Quantum simulation, machine learning, energy materials, and catalysis.

Guymon Portrait

C. Allan Guymon

Sharon K. Tinker Process Safety Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Current research: Photopolymerization with emphasis on role that polymerization reactions play on properties and structures of polymers. Projects involve lyotropic liquid crystals, polymerizable surfactants, and nanostructured materials based on lyotropic liquid crystals.

Murhammer portrait

David Murhammer

Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Current research: Oxidative stress in baculovirus-infected insect cell culture, use of phage to control bacterial infections, and chemical process safety.

Eric Nuxoll

Eric Nuxoll

Associate Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Current research: Thermal treatment of medical implant infections, pulsatile drug delivery, and interfacing devices with the bloodstream.

Photo of Miles Pufall

Miles Pufall

Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Aliasger Salem

Aliasger Salem

Lyle and Sharon Bighley Endowed Chair & Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Current research: The application of nanotechnology to enhancing cancer vaccine efficacy and to the development of scaffolds for regenerative medicine.

Edward Sander

Edward Sander

Robert and Virginia Wheeler Faculty Fellow in Engineering

Current research: Wound healing, mechanobiology, multiscale biomechanics and modeling.

Michael J. Schnieders

Michael J. Schnieders

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Photo of Hyeongmin Seo

Hyeongmin Seo

Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Current research: Synthetic biology and metabolic engineering for biosynthesis of chemicals, materials, and fuels; high-throughput screening method development for biocatalyst engineering.

Kristan Worthington standing in her lab

Kristan Worthington

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Research Centers and Facilities