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We take full advantage of the intimate size of our Department to facilitate personalized and flexible learning and professional development experiences for all students. With our senior class at about 45 students each year– you are not a number, and you can interact one-on-one with each of our distinguished faculty members and experienced instructors. Our undergraduate students create customized experiences by selecting a personalized mix with their focus area (we offer 12 preconfigured focus areas), elective courses, and minors. Add to that 100s of possible extracurricular activities, study abroad, internships, coops, volunteer opportunities, and independent research with a faculty mentor – highly tailored experiences are the norm. Students can even double major, participate in our five-year program leading to a Masters degree, or build a custom focus area. Each undergraduate student is personally advised by a faculty member starting in the freshman year.
Graduate study in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Iowa is even more personalized – based on a close relationship between a faculty research mentor, and guided by a student-driven individual course and development plan. Graduate students can draw from a committee of faculty members that review their work at key milestones, as well as a peer-mentor, and extensive support and professional development resources of the Graduate College.