BME, established in 1974, celebrates 50 years

Our History

A surge of interest in interdisciplinary research in the area of human health inspired several universities to establish undergraduate degree programs in biomedical engineering during the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Kwan Rim played a key role in establishing the biomedical engineering program at the University of Iowa. The program would become a vehicle for attracting high-caliber students to the study of engineering, with a particular focus on female students. The program would also leverage the unique advantage of the University of Iowa College of Medicine, which has a significant research emphasis, and one of the largest, most respected teaching hospitals in the country.  

In 1974, under the umbrella of the general engineering program, several University of Iowa faculty members from mechanical and electrical engineering programs offered specialized courses in biomedical engineering in addition to the traditional engineering courses in these disciplines. 

Read more: BME turns 50: Celebrating the past, trailblazing the future

BME Timeline

  • 1974

    Biomedical engineering appears in the University of lowa Catalog and Bachelor of Science offered. 

  • Chandran

    Faculty members K.B. Chandran, Y. King Liu, Ken Krieger, and Roderick Lakes work to develop the undergraduate BME program.

  • Kwan Rim

    The Department of Biomedical Engineering is formed with Kwan Rim as founding chair.

  • 1986

    The University of Iowa becomes the second public university in the country with an accredited biomedical engineering program.

  • Spinal Graphic

    The Iowa Board of Regents approves the lowa Spine Research Center involving the Colleges of Engineering and Medicine and external, non-federal support.

  • 2001

    Iowa BME establishes the first BS/MS program in the College of Engineering.

  • Reinhardt cropped

    Joseph Reinhardt receives an NSF Career Award for pulmonary imaging research.

  • James Ankrum Portrait

    James Ankrum is named the University of Iowa's first Churchill Scholar. 

  • Edward Sander

    Edward Sander receives an NSF CAREER Award to study how physical forces influence the formation and remodeling of tissues.

  • Carver Charitable Trust

    Following a $12 million grant from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust, the department is renamed the Roy J. Carver Department of Biomedical Engineering.

  • Michael J. Schnieders

    Michael Schnieders receives an NSF CAREER Award to develop theoretical approaches to predict crystal structures.

  • Marissa Mueller working at a computer

    BME undergraduate Marissa Mueller becomes the University of Iowa's second female student to be named a Rhodes Scholar.

  • Guowei Qi Churchill Award

    Guowei Qi, a student in Michael Schnieders' research group, is named the University of Iowa's fifth Churchill Scholar.

  • Ankrum

    James Ankrum receives a Fulbright Award to study regenerative medicine in Ireland.

  • Kristan worthington stands in lab

    Kristan Worthington receives an NSF CAREER Award to study light-based 3D printing.

  • Nicole Grosland

    Nicole Grosland is named an ELATES fellow in the National Leadership Program.

  • Four students standing behind the prosthetic leg they invented

    Undergraduate students invent a novel prosthetic device, seek a provisional patent, and launch a company.