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Undergraduate BSE Degree
Get your bachelor of science in engineering (BSE) in mechanical engineering with customizable senior design projects, unique focus areas, dual degrees, certificates, and more.

Focus Areas (FA)
Choose one of the standard FAs or design your own, designed to spark interest in a specialty and make you more attractive to future employers.
Senior Design Projects
At Iowa, you're able to customize your senior design project to make it unique to you. Students translate what they learned in the classroom into real-world projects.

Certificates and Other Programs
Discover certificate programs such as Artificial Intelligence, Modeling, and Simulations (AIMS); Naval Science and Technology; and other programs outside of engineering to combine with your degree.

Undergraduate-to-Graduate (U2G) Program
Complete both your BS and MS degree in this combined degree program. Students should apply during their third year as an undergraduate.

Student Organizations
Discover student orgs associated with mechanical engineering and others for any interest.