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Windows Remote Access Options
We have 3 offerings for Windows OS remote access. (Requires VPN Access for system not connected to University Networks)
Option 1: Windows Virtual Desktop (VDI or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure)
Why Use VDI
VDI, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, creates a secure connection between your remote computer and a virtual Windows machine that has the Engineering lab software load. Use VDI if you want to work on class projects that require software such as MATLAB, Maple, and Mathematica. You can load the VMWare View client, which runs VDI, onto Windows and Macintosh computers as well as mobile devices.
The Linux laptops used in 2217, 3505, 3630, and 3655 SC have the Linux View client installed so that a Windows lab load is available from those computers.
For use on personal systems you have a choice. Install the VMWare Horizon Client or access VDI via a web browser.
Option 2: Windows Remote Desktop
Windows Remote Desktop
Students: to connect to a (virtual) Windows computer in the labs, use VDI.
Microsoft Remote Desktop allows you to connect your personal computer to a remote (your engineering office) computer. Remote Desktop can be tuned to the specific type of connection you have – cable modem, DSL, dial-up – and is moderately secure.
How to use Remote Desktop
First, connect to VPN. Please use Cisco Anyconnect. Follow this link for how to install and use Cisco AnyConnect.
Once connected to VPN, search and launch Remote Desktop Connection. Type in your computer number in the form Click connect. If you cannot remember your computer number, call Engineering Help Desk, 319-335-5055 for assistance.
Log in

Log out
After connection is established; log in with your HawkID and password like you normally do. Once you finish working on your office computer, simply log yourself off but do not shut down your work computer.
For help setting up or using Remote Desktop, or VDI, talk to the consultant at the Engineering Help Desk, 319-335-5055, 1248 SC. If you get an error message about not having rights to logon or could not connect, please call the consultant, or email to: It takes a just few minutes to grant the necessary access to your office computer.
Linux Remote Access Options
We have different methods for Linux OS remote access. (Requires VPN Access for system connected to Universisty Networks)
Option 1: FastX
Option 2: SSH Clients
A free open source ssh client easily obtained via google or this link (

Since this is your first time connecting accept the host key.

Then you should be logged in.

Built in Windows SSH Client
Newer versions of windows 10 have a build in ssh client accessible via the build in windows terminal. This can be found by pressing the windows key and typing command prompt and hitting enter.
The ssh syntax is ssh username@destation and then hitting enter and supplying your password.
In this case your username will be your hawkID and your password.
For example:

For information regarding the argon-hpc-cluster please visit
Host keys may have been updated since you last used the system. You may experience messages like below or simply see the new key as either of the new host key messages above.

08/12/2021 |