Course Selection for First-Year Graduate Students

New graduate students receive individualized advising on course selection for the first semester. For students entering with master's-level coursework in chemical engineering, the advisor helps to determine which of our required courses may be met by previous work.

Our department has a long history of successful graduate students entering our program with degrees in chemistry, physics, atmospheric science, environmental science, materials science, biological engineering, polymer chemistry, and other areas. We also, like many programs, have students entering graduate school after employment. For students coming into the department without a chemical engineering degree, or who have been away from courses for a while, refresher coursework may be needed. We work with students to minimize coursework (to allow flexibility to pursue research) while making sure to cover key fundamentals.

Incoming students have formal advising appointments right before classes start in August. In addition to consulting the course list below, we highly encourage incoming students to contact Alec Scranton, director of graduate studies, to discuss by email, phone, Zoom, or in person.

Course Offerings

Part I. Information on courses required for a M.S. or Ph.D. in chemical and biochemical engineering.

CBE:5104/5105 Introduction to Literature Review & Technical/Proposal Writing
This is a course on research methods with a major emphasis on writing and oral presentation of technical reviews, literature reviews, and research proposals.
Offered fall semesters.
Representative syllabus

CBE:5110 Intermediate Thermodynamics
Fundamental principles of thermodynamics as applied to phase equilibrium; properties of fluids, first and second law, variable composition systems, behavior of real fluids, mathematical techniques for solution thermodynamics. 
Offered spring semesters of even years.
Representative syllabus

CBE:5115 Transport Phenomenon
This is a course on mass, momentum, and heat transfer using the classic Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot (2nd Edition) textbook entitled Transport Phenomenon.
Offered spring semesters of odd years.
Representative syllabus

CBE:5120 Data Science in Chem & Engr Systems
Theory and application of numerical methods and data driven algorithms towards understanding chemical processes; scientific computing in Python programming language; numerical solutions to differential equations; nonlinear and constrained optimization; data preprocessing and visualization; dimensionality reduction and clustering; supervised machine learning.
Offered fall semesters.

Our students are required to have one course in chemical kinetics from the following list:

  • CBE:3205 Introduction to Biochemical Engineering
    Biochemistry, cellular biology, recombinant DNA and hybridoma technologies; emphasis on engineering aspects of biotechnology, including enzyme kinetics, cell growth kinetics, transport phenomena in bioreactors, bioreactor design, bioseparations, formulation and sterilization of growth media, commercial applications of biotechnology. 
    Offered spring semesters
    Representative syllabus
  • CBE:5315 Polymer Chemistry
    Monomer reactivity and polymerization reactions; step, radical, ionic, and specialty polymerizations.
    Offered fall semesters of even years.
    Representative syllabus
  • CBE:5425 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
    The primary goal of the class is to strengthen student knowledge of the fundamental and applied issues in atmospheric chemistry, through a combination of lectures, problem sets, and projects. Gas-phase and aerosol-phase problems are considered on urban, regional and global scales. Topics to be covered include global circulation, global biogeochemical cycles, synoptic meteorology, vertical transport of pollutants, sampling techniques for gas phase compounds, aqueous phase reactions, deposition, gas-particle partitioning, photolysis, atmospheric residence time, aerosol size distributions, dynamics of aerosol particles, dynamics of aerosol populations, radiative transfer involving aerosols, cloud formation, and sampling techniques for aerosols. Uses Seinfeld and Pandis, 3rd ed., Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
    Offered spring semesters of even years.
    Representative syllabus

ENGR:7270 Engineering Ethics (1 s.h. seminar)
Required during your first fall semester at the University of Iowa, this course introduces students to practical issues associated with being a responsible scientist; topics in responsible conduct of research in engineering and the sciences using case studies, presentations, and discussions with visiting speakers.
Offered fall semesters.

Additional requirements exist, such as trainings in safety, sexual harassment prevention, and other university policies, and a required weekly graduate seminar series. Based on language background and placement test scores, English course requirements may apply.

Part II. Information on popular electives for our graduate students.


CBE:5140 Mathematical Methods in Engineering
Linear ordinary differential equations, series solutions of differential equations, special functions, Laplace transforms, Fourier series, matrices, linear systems, eigenvalue problems, second-order partial differential equations.
Prerequisites: Matrix Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations

CHEM:5107 Electrochemistry
Provides an introductory but thorough background in electrochemistry. Fundamentals, methods, and kinetics will be covered. Means for modeling electrochemical systems by explicit finite difference computer simulations and Laplace transforms will be introduced.

CHEM:5108 Spectroscopy
Principles of atomic and molecular absorption and emission spectroscopy in ultraviolet, visible, and infrared regions of the spectrum, including fluorescence, phosphorescence, Raman spectroscopy; applications to analytical problems, with emphasis on modern instrumentation and methodology.

CHEM:5109 Separations
Modern techniques for analytical separations will be examined in terms of basic theory, instrumentation, and practical applications.  Emphasis is placed on gas and liquid chromatography and electrophoresis.

CHEM:5118 Nanomaterials
Basic principles associated with nanoscience and nanotechnology; fabrication and synthesis, size dependent properties, characterization, applications of materials at nanometer length scales, recent technological breakthroughs in the field.

CHEM:5438 Surface Chemistry & Heterogeneous Processes
Fundamental and applied aspects of surface chemical processes; theories of molecular adsorption/desorption and surface complexation; kinetics; surface analysis and instrumentation; applications of surface chemistry in heterogeneous catalysis, heterogeneous environmental/atmospheric processes, and materials chemistry.

OEH:4540 Statistics for Experimenters
Application of statistical techniques to evaluate data derived from experimental samples designs; use of spreadsheets, statistical software; design and analysis of experiments; regression analysis; model building; practical applications.

Air Quality and Climate

CBE:3020 Applied Statistics for Chemical and Natural Resource Engineering
Statistical and computational (Python programming) analysis of weather and climate data, univariate and multivariate statistics, hypothesis testing, statistical forecasting, forecast verification, time-series analysis, principal component analysis, trend analysis, and cluster analysis.

CBE:3415 Statistical & Computational Analysis of Weather & Climate
Statistical and computational (Python programming) analysis of weather and climate data, univariate and multivariate statistics, hypothesis testing, statistical forecasting, forecast verification, time-series analysis, principal component analysis, trend analysis, and cluster analysis.

CHEM:4873 Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry
Fundamental chemical processes of importance in the atmosphere, soil, and water, with emphasis on kinetics and photochemistry of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, atmospheric structure and dynamics, global geochemical cycling, chemistry-climate relationships, environmental remediation strategies; experimental methods in field and laboratory studies.

CBE:5412 Atmospheric Modeling
Model equations and approaches for atmospheric dynamics and chemistry; numerical methods for radiative, chemical, and aerosol rates; parameterization of subgrid-scale processes; model evaluation and inverse modeling.

CBE:5417 Physical Meteorology & Atmospheric Radiative Transfer
Physical processes for weather and climate including radiative transfer, cloud and precipitation formation, and atmospheric electricity; theory of scattering by atmospheric particles (e.g., clouds, aerosols, molecules), atmospheric radiative transfer equations, and numerical techniques and tools to solve these equations.

CBE:5425 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
The primary goal of the class is to strengthen student knowledge of the fundamental and applied issues in atmospheric chemistry, through a combination of lectures, problem sets, and projects. Gas-phase and aerosol-phase problems are considered on urban, regional and global scales. Topics to be covered include global circulation, global biogeochemical cycles, synoptic meteorology, vertical transport of pollutants, sampling techniques for gas phase compounds, aqueous phase reactions, deposition, gas-particle partitioning, photolysis, atmospheric residence time, aerosol size distributions, dynamics of aerosol particles, dynamics of aerosol populations, radiative transfer involving aerosols, cloud formation, and sampling techniques for aerosols. Uses Seinfeld and Pandis, 3rd ed., Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
Offered spring semesters of even years.
Representative syllabus

OEH:6450 Aerosol Technology
Particle statistics and physics of aerosols, including inertia, diffusion, nucleation, evaporation, condensation, optics, electrical properties; relationship to fields such as agriculture, nanotechnology, environmental and occupational health, atmospheric chemistry, drug delivery.

Biological and Pharmaceutical

CBE:3205 Introduction to Biochemical Engineering
Biochemistry, cellular biology, recombinant DNA and hybridoma technologies; emphasis on engineering aspects of biotechnology, including enzyme kinetics, cell growth kinetics, transport phenomena in bioreactors, bioreactor design, bioseparations, formulation and sterilization of growth media, commercial applications of biotechnology. 
Offered spring semesters
Representative syllabus

STAT:3510 Biostatistics
Statistical concepts and methods for the biological sciences; descriptive statistics, elementary probability, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, parametric and nonparametric methods, one-way ANOVA, correlation and regression, categorical data.

PHAR:4740 Materials in Drug and Gene Delivery
Different types of materials used in drug and gene delivery including synthetic and natural polymers (poly lactic-co-glycolic acid and chitosan respectively); different forms of delivery systems including (but not limited to) liposomes, micelles, biodegradable nanoparticles, nondegradable nanoparticles, and solid porous scaffolds; applications of these material-based delivery systems from targeted chemotherapy to bone regeneration to vaccination applications.

​CBE:5210 Bioseparations
Unit operations used to isolate and purify biologically-derived chemicals, including flocculation, filtration, centrifugation, extraction, adsorption, chromatography, precipitation, crystallization, electrophoresis and cell disruption for intracellular product recovery.

ACB:5218 Microscopy for Biomedical Research
Basic microscopy methods for research including optics, preparation, and analysis of biomedical specimens; light, fluorescence, confocal, transmitting electron, scanning electron, atomic force microscopes, elemental analysis; immunochemistry and stereology techniques; individualized laboratory instruction

CBE:5740 Engineering Principles of Drug Delivery
Fundamental concepts in drug delivery from an engineering perspective: delivery mechanisms; materials and formulations for drug delivery; drug modifications (prodrugs, PEGylation); engineering principles of controlled release and targeted delivery (nanoparticles, microparticles, polymer and lipid based systems); quantitative understanding of drug transport; significance of biodistributions and pharmacokinetic models; toxicity issues; immune responses.

OEH:6710 Human Toxicology and Risk Assessment
Sources, routes of absorption, effects of environmental toxicants affecting man; pathophysiology of toxicant actions, including those of air and water pollutants, metals, pesticides, solvents, food toxicants, chemicals.

BME:5445 Stem Cells in Regenerative Engineering
Discovery and history of stem cells, how they are defined and grouped, and various techniques for their isolation, creation, culture, and characterization; focus on current state of stem cells in medical research and treatment of human disease, as well as future outlook of their use; particular emphasis placed on practical knowledge that students may find useful as they pursue careers in cellular and tissue engineering. Prerequisites: BME:2400 or BIOL:2723.

Remote and Smart Sensing

CBE:4460:0001 Process and Dsgn for Sat and Enviro Sen
Exploration of how to design, develop, and implement science instruments, sensor networks, and satellite mission; emphasis on atmospheric sensors for planetary atmospheres; disciplines required, how to build a team, developing science requirements, developing instrument requirements, development and management of interface controls, workflow tracking, quality assurance verification, and resolving hardware/design problems; considerations needed by a principal investigator, instrument manager, instrument scientist, plan manager, or systems engineer to pursue a major instrument, mission development, industrial plan development, or expansion.

CBE:5410 Electrochemical Engineering
Fundamentals of electrochemical engineering; various applications; focus on processes and systems that transform chemical energy into electrical energy (e.g., batteries, fuel cells) and vice versa (e.g., electrolyzers, oxygen generators for medical applications); electrochemical engineering in an increasingly important role in energy, chemical, environmental, and biomedical sectors.

​CBE:5415 Satellite Image Processing & Remote Sensing Atmosphere
Introduction to principles of atmospheric radiation and techniques for satellite image processing; hands-on experience with data calibration, image registration and enhancement, noise filtering and (supervised and unsupervised) multi-spectral classification of satellite imageries; various satellite sensors used for monitoring of different atmospheric processes and constituents.

CBE:5417 Physical Meteorology and Atmospheric Radiative Transfer
Physical processes for weather and climate including radiative transfer, cloud and precipitation formation, and atmospheric electricity; theory of scattering by atmospheric particles (e.g., clouds, aerosols, molecules), atmospheric radiative transfer equations, and numerical techniques and tools to solve these equations. Requirements: senior or graduate standing. Same as IGPI:5417.

CBE:6415 Advanced Satellite Remote Sensing
Cloud masking and retrieval of cloud properties from satellites, aerosol detection and retrievals, Earth radiation energy budget, land and/or ocean remote sensing, microwave remote sensing, wind retrieval, multi-sensor intercomparison and validation, optimization and inversion theory; hands-on projects.

CBE:6435 Advanced Atmospheric Radiative Transfer
Theory of scattering by atmospheric particles (e.g., clouds, aerosols, molecules), atmospheric radiative transfer equations, and techniques to solve these equations for solar and terrestrial radiation; numerical experiments with Mie scattering, T-matrix calculation, and radiative transfer models.

Machine Learning and Simulation

STAT:4520:0001 Bayesian Statistics
Bayesian statistical analysis, with focus on applications; Bayesian and frequentist methods compared; Bayesian model specification, choice of priors, computational methods; hands-on Bayesian data analysis using appropriate software; interpretation and presentation of analysis results.

STAT:4540:0001 Statistical Learning
Introduction to supervised and unsupervised statistical learning, with a focus on regression, classification, and clustering

STAT:4580:0001 Data Visualization and Data Technologies
Introduction to common techniques for visualizing univariate and multivariate data, data summaries, and modeling results; how to create and interpret these visualizations and assess effectiveness of different visualizations based on an understanding of human perception and statistical thinking; data technologies for obtaining and preparing data for visualization and further analysis; students learn how to present results in written reports and use version control to manage their work.

STAT:5100:0001 Statistical Inference I
Review of probability, distribution theory (multiple random variables, moment-generating functions, transformations, conditional distributions), sampling distributions, order statistics, convergence concepts, generating random samples.

CHEM:5114 Chemical Systems Modeling
Basic processes and techniques; these methods applied to systems relevant to students' own research.

ECE:5995 Contemp Topics in Elect & Computer Eng: Applied Machine Learning
New topics or areas of study not offered in other electrical and computer engineering courses; based on faculty/student interest; not available for individual study.

Polymers and Advanced Materials

CBE:5310 Polymer Science and Technology
Uses and properties of industrially important polymeric materials; polymer chemistry, polymer structure, characterization, and polymer processing. Prerequisites: CHEM:2210 or CHEM:2230.

CBE:5315 Polymer Chemistry
Monomer reactivity and polymerization reactions; step, radical, ionic, and specialty polymerizations.
Offered fall semesters of even years.
Representative syllabus

BME:5421 Cell Material Interactions
Current thought and techniques in the engineering and assessment of biomaterials. Prerequisites: BME:2400.

BME:5460 Principles of Microfluidics
Microfluidics (i.e., lab-on-a-chip) has become a powerful tool for biomedical research; examination of history, theory, design, fabrication, and function of microfluidic systems; state-of-the-art technologies and real-life biomedical applications; microfluidic-related career opportunities in academia and industry; hands-on fabrication and operation of microfluidic devices. Prerequisites: BME:2500.

BME:5431 Biofabrication for Tissue Engineering
Understanding the principles and approaches of advanced biofabrication for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Biofabrication relies on the use of biological materials and cells to create bioengineered tissue to regenerate or repair diseased or injured tissues and organs, such as respiratory bioengineering. Emphasis is on the fundamental mechanisms, processing conditions, and bioinspired strategies of biofabrication, additive approaches, the integration of molecular sciences, and tissue-level micro-physiological systems. Prerequisites: ENGR:2110 and BME:2400 and BME:2500.

Sustainable Energy and Clean Water

CBE:4420 Environmental Chemistry
Principles of general, physical, organic chemistry applied in water and air systems; emphasis on qualitative and quantitative understanding of chemical kinetics and equilibrium; acid-base reactions, complex formation, precipitation, dissolution, and oxidation-reduction reactions; organic nomenclature.

CBE:5405 Green Chemical and Energy Technologies
Strategies to reduce the climate footprint of electricity, fuel, chemicals, and materials production. Current trends and research in energy and industrial decarbonization are integrated with established green chemistry, life cycle analysis, energy efficiency, and pollution prevention approaches.

CEE:5440 Foundations of Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology
Investigation of chemical and biological processes at the food-energy-water nexus; example topic areas include biogeochemical cycling of nutrients, biomass conversion, resource recovery from wastewater, removing pollutants from drinking water sources, water reuse, engineered natural treatment systems, pollutant transformation and control, treatment of process waters.

Part III. Common classes that are taken as refresher, or for students entering without previous training in chemical engineering. These may be optional or required, depending on evaluation by the CBE faculty.

CBE:2105 Mass and Energy Balances
Fundamental principles of chemical process analysis, including material and energy balances for single-unit and multiple-unit processes, analysis of reactive and nonreactive systems, introduction to equations of state, thermodynamics of multiphase systems.
Offered in multiple formats; discuss with Alec Scranton, director of graduate studies.
Representative syllabus

CBE:3109 Fluid Flow
Fundamentals of fluid flow, including fluid statics, fluid rheology, laminar and turbulent flow in pipes, external flow, flow through packed beds, fluidized beds, pumps and compressors, boundary layer theory, potential flow, dimensional analysis, and Navier Stokes Equations.
Offered spring semesters.
Representative syllabus

CBE:3113 Heat & Mass Transfer
Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer: heat exchanger design; conductive, convective, and radiative heat transfer; mechanisms of diffusional and convective mass transfer.
Offered fall semesters.
Representative syllabus

CBE:3117 Separations
Solution of industrial problems, including the design of distillation, extraction, absorption, adsorption, drying, membrane processes, and mechanical separations.
Offered fall semesters.
Representative syllabus

CBE:3120 Chemical Reaction Engineering
Application of chemical reaction kinetics to design of chemical reactors: batch reactors, mixed flow reactors, plug flow reactors; reversible and irreversible single reactions; parallel, series, and mixed reactions; temperature and pressure effects on reactor design; heterogeneous catalysis; transport in porous catalysts.
Offered fall and spring semesters.
Representative syllabus

MATH:2560 Engineering Math IV: Ordinary Differential Equations
Ordinary differential equations and applications, with integrated use of computing, student projects; first-order equations; higher order linear equations; systems of linear equations, Laplace transforms; introduction to nonlinear equations and systems, phase plane, stability.
Offered all semesters.
Note: Online and community college versions of this course may be useful preparation or refresher material. Online options are available from many outlets with paid options that include grading and credit and free options that just have access to course materials and video lectures.