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Krishnan B. Chandran Graduate Student Travel Awards
The Roy J. Carver Department of Biomedical Engineering is proud to offer five travel awards for up to $1200 per student annually. This award program is named after Professor Emeritus Krishnan B. Chandran, a faculty in our department from 1984 to 2014. He served as Department Executive Officer from 1998 to 2009 and as the Lowell G. Battershell Endowed Chair Professor from 2000 until his retirement in 2014. He has mentored to graduation, 19 doctoral and 19 masters degree students in his cardiovascular fluids laboratory. His former students have gone on to become Deans, Professors, doctors, Scientists, entrepreneurs and innovators. He has published three books including the first textbook on Cardiovascular Biomechanics, 135 archival papers in leading journals in the area of the fluid mechanics in the arteries, and heart valve dynamics and is internationally recognized for his research work in the area of cardiovascular fluid dynamics. Professor Emeritus Chandran lives with his wife, Vanaja in North Carolina. The BME faculty is honored to name this award after our colleague who was instrumental in making the department what it is today.
- The travel award is intended for students who seek to present their research at their conference, but students who wish to just attend a conference without presenting will be considered
- Submit the travel award application form. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.
- Explain how this conference visit will aid your research, career goals etc.
- Include an (anticipated) abstract
- We especially encourage students to consider the BMES annual meeting - abstract deadline May 1
- If you anticipate that your travel will be in excess of $1,200 please ensure that your research mentor is willing to provide additional support or please be prepared to cover the additional costs out-of-pocket
- If an award recipient is attending BMES, that student is expected to spend a portion of their time at the conference helping staff our department's exhibit booth
Non-departmental Travel Awards
Graduate & Professional Student Government Travel Grants
The GPSG Grant will fund up to $500 for travel to conferences and workshops occurring within 90 (+/-) days of the cycle deadline. Successful applicants make a strong case for the importance of attending the specific conference or workshop, demonstrate financial need and efforts to secure additional funding, and clearly describe the work to be presented. Although it is not required that applicants present their work, priority will be given to those that do. Applicants will also be required to provide an itemized budget for the requested funds. Recipients of travel grants must claim funds within 60 days of returning from travel.
Graduate College / Graduate Student Senate Presentation Travel Funds
The Graduate College provides travel funding assistance to graduate students who present their research at conferences, meetings, symposia and similar professional or academic gatherings. The funds are allocated by the GSS Travel Funds Committee to deserving applications at multiple deadlines throughout each fiscal year. GSS/Graduate College Presentation Travel Funds Awards are awarded for travel to both domestic and international conferences.