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Linux Laptop Description and Statement of Use
Five classrooms have been wired to allow using the Linux laptops in those rooms. These are listed below along with how many laptops are in each room.
Linux Laptops by Room | ||
2217 SC | 72 Linux laptops | |
Laptops for 2229 SC are not currently available | ||
3505 SC | 68 Linux laptops | |
3630 SC | 96 Linux laptops | |
3655 SC | 128 Linux laptops | |
All seats in the rooms above have the necessary networking, and there are laptops for each seat, with the exception of 3505 with can only utilize up to 50 laptops; thus class enrollment in those rooms should be no larger than the number of available laptops for courses that use computers in class. The laptops are intended to support an instructional setting in which students are actively involved in computing as a part of the class structure.
Laptop Configuration
The Linux load on the laptop is installed before each semester begins. That load will not be changed during the semester. The process of loading the laptops is time- and person-intensive, and so the load will not be changed once the semester starts.
The laptops are not valuable outside the classroom as they have no battery, no optical drive, and no wireless connection. They can boot only from the internal hard drive. The networking functions only in the assigned classroom.
The laptops are stored in locked closets in each room. Each laptop is stored in a neoprene bag. An additional cloth equipment bag holds the power supply, mouse, and network cable. Students can bring and use their own mouse or USB key.
Software and Access
All five classrooms are University classrooms, which means that they are scheduled centrally and not through the College, until 3:30pm Monday-Friday. If your class requires the use of these laptops, please include that information on the schedule proof copies for classroom scheduling.
The closets in which the laptops are stored have magnetically controlled doors. Please email ECS at for access to the closets.
The software load on these Linux laptops changes each semester depending on the classes being taught in those rooms. Contact ECS, 319-335-5751, to request that software be installed on these laptops or email to inform ECS that your class will use the Linux laptops and to request software installation.
Computer Lab Load Using VDI
To use the laptops as though they were Windows computers, click on the vmware-view icon on the desktop. Once the View/VDI connection has been made, select the Lab Load and the machine will be connected to a virtual Windows machine with the lab software.
For help, see the Engineering Help Desk consultant, 1253 SC, 319-335-5055.