
The 3231 Classroom is equipped with 25 Windows computers -- 24 for students and 1 for the instructor. The computers are arranged around the perimeter of the room. There is also seating in the middle of the room for instruction. The middle area includes power so that students can use their own computers when sitting there.

For Instructors

Instructors can use their HawkID account login ID and password to log in to the computer at the front of the room.  If you have troubles logging into the system contact the Help Desk.


The software available is the same as the computers in the Elder, Hering, and Eltoft labs. To access Linux machines from this classroom, use FastX. Instructors must verify that sufficient licenses for software on either the Windows or remote Linux systems are available for all students using the computers during a class session.

Use Policy


This room is used by instructors who teach engineering classes in which curriculum-based, computer-assisted instruction is an integral component of the course session; as an open laboratory by College of Engineering students; and by teaching assistants who need access to a computer to help students in their courses.

Using the Classroom

Classes other than engineering courses can use 1245 for a fee.  Please contact the Office of the Dean for costs and scheduling information.

Any modification -- adding software, creating account IDs, modifying the equipment in the console, for example -- will be additional charges for the number of hours that ECS staff spend preparing the room and returning it to its normal state. No more than 24 students can be in such a class, and the instructor must verify with ECS that the software to be used is installed on those computers and that the college has a sufficient number of teaching licenses for the class.

Making a Reservation

Before requesting use of 3231 SC, please read the use policy above.

To request use of 3231 SC, use the on-line reservation form.

Room Schedules

To see the room calendar, log into your UofI Office-365 account (either via Outlook or the web interface) and view the RES-SC3231 calendar resources depending on which room you wish to use.