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General Assignment Classrooms
There are twelve general assignment classrooms in the College of Engineering. Each room contains a lectern with a Windows computer that is connected to Iowa domain, meaning users login using Hawk ID and Hawk ID password. Once connected, drives can be mapped to Engineering account home directory to get access to files stored there.
The software available is the software available to computers on the Iowa domain, which is managed by ITS, as well as some of the engineering software available on the computer lab machines. Iowa domain software includes Maple, Mathematica, and Wolfram Mathematica. The software that is not available includes engineering software such as ANSYS, Arena, and PTC Creo. To use engineering software, users must go to Start - All Programs - Remote Desktop, or click the Remote Desktop icon on the Desktop, which allows users to log into office Windows computer.
General Assignment Classrooms
SC 1505
Capacity | Seating Type | Features |
156 | Auditorium Seat | Single Display Projector, Instructor Computer (Windows), Document Camera, Multi0tier Whiteboard |
SC 2133
Capacity | Seating Type | Features |
30 | Table Arm Chairs | Single Display Projector, Instructor Computer (Windows), Document Camera, Whiteboard |
SC 2217
Capacity | Seating Type | Features |
72 | Student Chairs | Dual Display Projector, Instructor Computer (Windows), Document Camera, Whiteboard/Chalkboard, Engineering Laptops (Linux) |
SC 2229
Capacity | Seating Type | Features |
72 | Student Chairs | Dual Display Projector, Instructor Computer (Windows), Document Camera, Whiteboard/Chalkboard |
SC 3026
Capacity | Seating Type | Features |
30 | Tablet Arm Chairs | Single Display Projector, Instructor Computer (Windows), Document Camera, Whiteboard |
SC 3258
Capacity | Seating Type | Features |
16 | Student Chairs | Single Display Projector, Instructor Computer (Windows), Document Camera, Glassboard, Wall mounted Video Camera |
SC 3315
Capacity | Seating Type | Features |
43 | Table Arm Chairs | Single Display Projector, Instructor Computer (Windows), Document Camera, Chalkboard |
SC 3321
Capacity | Seating Type | Features |
43 | Table Arm Chairs | Single Display Projector, Instructor Computer (Windows), Document Camera, Chalkboard |
SC 3505
Capacity | Seating Type | Features |
68 | Student Chairs | Dual Display Projector, Instructor Computer (Windows), Document Camera, Chalkboard, Engineering Laptops (Linux) |
SC 3630
Capacity | Seating Type | Features |
96 | Student Chairs | Triple Display Projector, Instructor Computer (Windows), Document Camera, Side Glassboards, Engineering Laptops (Linux) |
SC 3655
Capacity | Seating Type | Features |
128 | Student Chairs | Triple Display Projector, Instructor Computer (Windows), Document Camera, Side Glassboards, Engineering Laptops (Linux) |
SC 4030
Capacity | Seating Type | Features |
40 | 30 Student Chairs 10 Student Stools |
Single Display Projector, Instructor Computer (Windows), Document Camera, Whiteboard |
Engineering Classrooms
The College of Engineering maintains three classrooms in the Seaman Center- 1220S, 1245, 2040 and 3231. Each classroom is equipped with Windows computers for the students and instructor. For specifications and capabilities, see the details for the each classroom below.
Engineering Classrooms
SC 1220S (Hering Lab South)
The SC 1220S (Hering South) classroom is equipped with 45 Windows computers -- 44 for students and 1 for the instructor. Computers with 27", 32" or 24" dual monitors are configured with Windows have NVIDIA RTX 2080TI video cards available to utilize for GPU computing.
For Instructors
The instructor console has one (1) Windows computer and two 4k monitors, which are connected to the 4 large screen 4k LCD displays at the front, back, and side of the room. The computer also has an NVIDIA RTX 2080TI video card and document camera.
Note: There is no whiteboard. If you want to write on a display, use the document camera at the podium.
Instructors can use their HawkID account login ID and password to log in to the computer at the front of the room. If you have troubles logging into the system contact the Help Desk.
For Students
The arrangement of the SC 1220S (Hering South) classroom gives students the maximum desk space and good viewing to the front of the classroom. The CPU towers are small and stacked at the back of the desk surface.
The software available is the same as the computers in the Elder, Hering, and Eltoft labs. These computers also have the ability to dual boot into Linux.
Use Policy
This room is used by instructors who teach engineering classes in which curriculum-based, computer-assisted instruction is an integral component of the course session; as an open laboratory by College of Engineering students; and by teaching assistants who need access to a computer to help students in their courses.
When 1220S SC is not used for instructional purposes, it is used as an open computing lab. The room is equally intended to support the instructional setting in which students are actively involved in computing as a part of the class structure, as well as to provide a facility in which instructors can provide out-of-class assistance for computing tasks.
Using the Classroom
Classes other than engineering courses can use 1220S for a fee. Please contact the Office of the Dean for costs and scheduling information.
Any modification -- adding software, creating account IDs, modifying the equipment in the console, for example -- will be additional charges for the number of hours that ECS staff spend preparing the room and returning it to its normal state. No more than 45 students can be in such a class, and the instructor must verify with ECS that the software to be used is installed on those computers and that the college has a sufficient number of teaching licenses for the class.
Other Class Use
Classes other than engineering courses can use SC 1220S (Hering South) at a fee of $100 per day, providing the facility is available. No more than 44 students can be in such a class, and the instructor must verify with ECS that the software to be used is installed on those computers and that college has a sufficient number of licenses for the class.
Procedure for Requesting Use of SC 1220S (Herring South)
Instructors wishing to teach course sessions and teaching assistants who want to hold regular help sessions in SC 1220S (Herring South) should complete the SC 1220S on-line Request Form. For classes being held in SC 1220S, the request should be made when the schedule of courses is being created or as soon after that as possible. During the term, requests for individual sessions will be considered and granted if the use is appropriate and the room is available. The main criterion used to evaluate class applications is that a learning objective of the course requires hands-on use of computers. Classes that are scheduled to be taught in SC 1220S and that do not use the computers appropriately may be asked to use another classroom. Courses may have no more than 44 students. In addition, software used in courses taught in 1245 must be licensed in sufficient quantity that all students can run the program; i.e., if the college owns 25 copies of Program A, no more than 25 students should be in SC 1220S when Program A is used in a class taught there.
Reservations will be accepted during the current semester and for the next semester when that semester's schedule of courses is being created.
View the current schedule.
SC 1245
The 1245 SC classroom is equipped with 46 Windows computers -- 45 for students and 1 for the instructor. Computer with 32 inch monitors are configured with the ability to boot into Windows or Linux and have NVIDIA RTX A4500 video cards available to utilize for GPU computing.
For Instructors
The instructor console has one (1) Windows/Linux dual boot computer and two 4k monitors, which are connected to the 2 ceiling-mounted 4k projectors and 4 large screen 4k LCD displays at the back of the room. The computer also has an NVIDIA RTX A4500 video card and document camera.
Note: There is no whiteboard. If you want to write on a screen, use the document camera at the podium. (The theater rope at the front of the room is a visual barrier and reminder that there is no screen to write on.)
Instructors can use their HawkID account login ID and password to log in to the computer at the front of the room. If you have troubles logging into the system contact the Help Desk.
For Students
The arrangement of the 1245 classroom gives students the maximum desk space and good viewing to the front of the classroom. The CPU towers are small and stacked at the back of the desk surface.
The software available is the same as the computers in the Elder, Hering, and Eltoft labs. These computers also have the ability to dual boot into Linux.
Use Policy
This room is used by instructors who teach engineering classes in which curriculum-based, computer-assisted instruction is an integral component of the course session; as an open laboratory by College of Engineering students; and by teaching assistants who need access to a computer to help students in their courses.
When 1245 SC is not used for instructional purposes, it is used as an open computing lab. The room is equally intended to support the instructional setting in which students are actively involved in computing as a part of the class structure, as well as to provide a facility in which instructors can provide out-of-class assistance for computing tasks.
Using the Classroom
Classes other than engineering courses can use 1245 for a fee. Please contact the Office of the Dean for costs and scheduling information.
Any modification -- adding software, creating account IDs, modifying the equipment in the console, for example -- will be additional charges for the number of hours that ECS staff spend preparing the room and returning it to its normal state. No more than 45 students can be in such a class, and the instructor must verify with ECS that the software to be used is installed on those computers and that the college has a sufficient number of teaching licenses for the class.
Other Class Use
Classes other than engineering courses can use 1245 at a fee of $100 per day, providing the facility is available. No more than 45 students can be in such a class, and the instructor must verify with ECS that the software to be used is installed on those computers and that college has a sufficient number of licenses for the class.
Procedure for Requesting Use of 1245 SC
Instructors wishing to teach course sessions and teaching assistants who want to hold regular help sessions in 1245 SC should complete the 1245 SC on-line Request Form. For classes being held in 1245 SC, the request should be made when the schedule of courses is being created or as soon after that as possible. During the term, requests for individual sessions will be considered and granted if the use is appropriate and the room is available. The main criterion used to evaluate class applications is that a learning objective of the course requires hands-on use of computers. Classes that are scheduled to be taught in 1245 SC and that do not use the computers appropriately may be asked to use another classroom. Courses may have no more than 45 students. In addition, software used in courses taught in 1245 must be licensed in sufficient quantity that all students can run the program; i.e., if the college owns 25 copies of Program A, no more than 25 students should be in 1245 when Program A is used in a class taught there.
Reservations will be accepted during the current semester and for the next semester when that semester's schedule of courses is being created.
View the current schedule.
SC 2040
The 2040 SC classroom is equipped with rolling project tables and stools to accommodate 64 students.
There are no computers for students in this classroom.
Other classroom features include 2 garage style retractable doors, drop power, 2 utility sinks, 2 compressed air outlets with regulators, and 2 cable supported retractable lift bars.
For Instructors
There is a Windows computer and 1 Apple TV for presentation purposes connected to 2 - 90 inch displays, 2 - 64 inch displays, and 2 - inch displays. If you have troubles logging into the system contact the Help Desk.
Use Policy
This room is used by instructors who teach engineering classes in which curriculum-based instructional workspace is an integral component of the course session.
Using the Classroom
Classes other than engineering courses can use 2040 for a fee. Please contact the Office of the Dean for costs and scheduling information.
Procedure for Requesting Use of 2040 SC
Instructors wishing to teach course sessions and teaching assistants who want to hold regular help sessions in 2040 SC should complete the 2040 SC on-line Request Form. For classes being held in 2040 SC, the request should be made when the schedule of courses is being created or as soon after that as possible. During the term, requests for individual sessions will be considered and granted if the use is appropriate and the room is available. The main criterion used to evaluate class applications is that a learning objective of the course can be facilitated by the room's equipment or space. Courses may have no more than 64 students.
Reservations will be accepted during the current semester and for the next semester when that semester's schedule of courses is being created.
View the current schedule.
Questions and Help
Questions regarding use of 2040 should be directed to Engineering Dean's Office.
SC 3231
The 3231 Classroom is equipped with 25 Windows computers -- 24 for students and 1 for the instructor. The computers are arranged around the perimeter of the room. There is also seating in the middle of the room for instruction. The middle area includes power so that students can use their own computers when sitting there.
For Instructors
Instructors can use their HawkID account login ID and password to log in to the computer at the front of the room. If you have troubles logging into the system contact the Help Desk.
The software available is the same as the computers in the Elder, Hering, and Eltoft labs. To access Linux machines from this classroom, use FastX. Instructors must verify that sufficient licenses for software on either the Windows or remote Linux systems are available for all students using the computers during a class session.
Use Policy
This room is used by instructors who teach engineering classes in which curriculum-based, computer-assisted instruction is an integral component of the course session; as an open laboratory by College of Engineering students; and by teaching assistants who need access to a computer to help students in their courses.
Using the Classroom
Classes other than engineering courses can use 1245 for a fee. Please contact the Office of the Dean for costs and scheduling information.
Any modification -- adding software, creating account IDs, modifying the equipment in the console, for example -- will be additional charges for the number of hours that ECS staff spend preparing the room and returning it to its normal state. No more than 24 students can be in such a class, and the instructor must verify with ECS that the software to be used is installed on those computers and that the college has a sufficient number of teaching licenses for the class.
Procedure for Requesting Use of 3231 SC
Instructors wishing to teach course sessions and teaching assistants who want to hold regular help sessions in 3231SC should complete the on-line request form. For classes held in 3231 SC, the request should be made when the schedule of courses is being created or as soon after that as possible. During the term, requests for individual sessions will be considered and granted if the use is appropriate and the room is available. The main criterion used to evaluate class applications is that a learning objective of the course requires hands-on use of computers. Classes that are scheduled to be taught in 3231 SC and that do not use the computers appropriately may be asked to use another classroom. Courses may have no more than 24 students. In addition, software used in courses taught in 3231 must be licensed in sufficient quantity that all students can run the program; i.e., if the college owns 20 copies of Program A, no more than 20 students should be in 3231 when Program A is used in a class taught there.
Reservations will be accepted during the current semester and for the next semester when that semester's schedule of courses is being created.
View the current schedule.
Other Class Use
Classes other than engineering courses can use 3231 at a fee of $100 per day, providing the facility is available. No more than 24 students can be in such a class, and the instructor must verify with ECS that the software to be used is installed on those computers and that college has a sufficient number of licenses for the class.
Questions and Help
Questions regarding use of 3231 should be directed to Matt McLaughlin. Request help using the equipment from the Engineering Help Desk in 1248 SC, 319-335-5055.
Making a Reservation
Before requesting use of one of these rooms, please read the policy.
To request use of one of these rooms, use the on-line reservation form.
Read about the equipment and configuration in this classroom.
Procedure for Requesting Use of 1245 SC
Instructors wishing to teach course sessions and teaching assistants who want to hold regular help sessions in 1245 SC should complete the 1245 SC on-line Request Form. For classes being held in 1245 SC, the request should be made when the schedule of courses is being created or as soon after that as possible. During the term, requests for individual sessions will be considered and granted if the use is appropriate and the room is available. The main criterion used to evaluate class applications is that a learning objective of the course requires hands-on use of computers. Classes that are scheduled to be taught in 1245 SC and that do not use the computers appropriately may be asked to use another classroom. Courses may have no more than 45 students. In addition, software used in courses taught in 1245 must be licensed in sufficient quantity that all students can run the program; i.e., if the college owns 25 copies of Program A, no more than 25 students should be in 1245 when Program A is used in a class taught there.
Reservations will be accepted during the current semester and for the next semester when that semester's schedule of courses is being created.
View the current schedule.
Room Schedules
To see this calendar, log into your UofI Office-365 account (either via Outlook or the web interface) and view the RES-SC1245, RES-SC2040, or RES-3231 calendar resources depending on which room you wish to use.
Questions and Help
Questions regarding use of 1220S, 1245, and 3231 should be directed to Matt McLaughlin.
Questions regarding use of 2040 should be directed to Office of the Dean
Request help using the equipment from the Engineering Help Desk in 1256 SC, 319-335-5055.