
Promoting diversity amongst College of Engineering faculty and staff increases our collective ability to cultivate an inclusive climate by providing a rich variety of perspectives that will enable students to be global thinkers and actors, to respect diverse values, and to attain a competitive edge as well-rounded and creative leaders in their fields.

The university's Accessibility-Informed Events and Programming Guide is intended to provide event organizers and campus administrators with the tools necessary to proactively plan events that are accessible for all attendees. This resource will evolve and be updated over time. 

University Resources

Professional Development

The Division of Access, Opportunity, and Diversity, Office of Access and Support provides mandatory and non-mandatory professional development for our campus.

Programs on Campus

Professional development, student support, high school transition, and anti-violence programs.

Diversity Councils

Diversity Councils are open to anyone who identifies as a member of each specific group, and to anyone, regardless of their identities, who wants to support different groups of people on our campus.