Promoting diversity amongst College of Engineering faculty and staff increases our collective ability to cultivate a healthy climate by providing a rich variety of perspectives that will enable students to be global thinkers and actors, to respect diverse values, and to attain a competitive edge as well-rounded and creative leaders in their fields.
Teaching Resources
Teaching Resources
- Strategies and best practices
- Review your syllabus for tone and language
- University of Michigan's Equitable Teaching website provides useful guides and resources
- Harvard Business School's advice for Addressing Potential Missteps in the classroom
- Diversity Topics in Engineering Education
- Call for Code Initiative - Open coding challenges designed to address ongoing issues
- Impactful perspective about importance of diversity, with specific engineering examples and ideas
- Designing Inclusion into Engineering Education
- ASEE Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- ASEE Webinar on UDL, with examples of engineering-focused implementation
- UDL Guidelines
- UDL in Higher Ed - Advice on Course Design, Implementing Various forms of Assessment
Accessibility-Informed Events
Accessibility-Informed Events
The university's Accessibility-Informed Events and Programming Guide is intended to provide event organizers and campus administrators with the tools necessary to proactively plan events that are accessible for all attendees. This resource will evolve and be updated over time.
Supporting Students
Supporting Students
- College of Engineering Academic Support & Tutoring Resources
- Ways to Make a Difference for First-Gen Students
- Quick Guide for Helping Students (see also Reporting Student Concerns, which summarizes the various support/outreach offices for both academic support and student well-being)
- Supporting Neurodiversity
Research, Funding, National Initiatives
Research, Funding, National Initiatives
Individual Learning & Self-Reflection
Individual Learning & Self-Reflection
- United Way of Iowa's 21 Day Equity Challenge - (Archive of topics presented in Sept 2021 Equity Challenge for Iowa)
- UCLA's Implicit Bias Video Series
- 21 Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge, Educator Edition
- Harvard's Implicit Association Test
- UI Center for Human Rights – Racial Equity & Human Rights Series
- UI International Programs: Building our Global Community Intercultural Training
Faculty Recruitment & Support
Faculty Recruitment & Support
- UI Provost's Office Path to Distinction - Best practices for Faculty Recruitment (be sure to also download the complete program packet)
- ASEE Engineering Deans Gender Equity (EDGE) Initiative
- Preserving Black History in Iowa City
- Iowa City's Beloved Community Initiative