Procedure for Network-intensive Applications

Abaqus and ANSYS generate such a high volume of network traffic when run from the file server that they slow activity for everyone with accounts on that file server. To avoid dramatic network slowdowns when running Abaqus or ANSYS, it is best to create a directory in /var/tmp, copy your input files to that directory, cd to that directory, and then run the application. Read the detailed instructions below.

Note that at the end of each semester (including the summer term) and for system upgrades, performance issues, or a full disk, ECS will remove files from /var/tmp. You must save files that you want stored in /var/tmp before our clean up. If we have to clean out /var/tmp in the middle of a semester because of unavoidable circumstances, those files will not be saved. You get no notification that files in /var/tmp will be removed for any of the reasons given above.

When using a virtual Linux machine, you should also use a /var/tmp directory when running Abaqus, ANSYS, or ANSYS/ FLUENT. See Using /var/tmp on a Virtual Linux Machine below.

Abaqus Notes

How to Run Abaqus

  1. Create a directory in your home directory for Abaqus files and put Abaqus-related files in that directory.
     mkdir problem1
    where problem1 is the directory you are creating.
  2. Create a directory in /var/tmp to store your output Abaqus files. Abaqus creates very large scratch files which will be written to this directory. This is temporary space which is NOT backed up and is deleted at the end of every semester or sooner if the disk fills up. You must copy any files you want to keep back to your home directory.
    mkdir /var/tmp/name

       where name is the directory you are creating. You can use your login name to name this directory.

  3. Copy your Abaqus files to /var/tmp/name
    cp ~/problem1/xxx    /var/tmp/name

    where xxx are the files you want to copy from the directory you created in step 1 above.

  4. Change to the /var/tmp/name directory
    cd /var/tmp/name
  5. Run Abaqus. Type abaqus cae at the command prompt. Abaqus will automatically set your working directory to /var/tmp/name as long as you start Abaqus from that directory.
  6. When you have Abaqus results, copy those files to your home directory
    cp  xxx  /path 

    where path is where you want to store these files.

    If you choose to store them in the directory created in step 1 above, use cp xxx  ~/problem1

From the start menu go to Search and type abaqus, or type abaqus cae from a shell prompt. Temporary files must be stored in /var/tmp.

If you have questions, talk to the consultants at the Engineering Help Desk, 1253 SC, 319-335-5055.


How to Run ANSYS

  1. Create a directory in your home directory for ANSYS files and put ANSYS-related files in that directory.
    	mkdir problem1
    where problem1 is the directory you are creating
  2. Create a directory in /var/tmp to store your output ANSYS file. ANSYS creates very large scratch files which will be written to this directory. This is temporary space which is NOT backed up and is deleted at the end of every semester or sooner if the disk fills up. You must copy any files you want to keep back to your home directory.
    	mkdir /var/tmp/name  
    where name is the directory you are creating. You can use your login name to name this directory.
  3. Copy your ANSYS files to /var/tmp/name
    	cp ~/problem1/xxx    /var/tmp/name
    where xxx are the files you want to copy from the directory you created in step 1 above.
  4. Change to the /var/tmp/name directory
    	cd /var/tmp/name
  5. Run ANSYS. Type ansys at the command prompt. ANSYS will automatically set your working directory to /var/tmp/name as long as you start ANSYS from that directory.
  6. When you have ANSYS results, copy those files to your home directory cp  xxx  /path where path is where you want to store these files.

Run a batch job in the background

You can run ANSYS as a batch job, put it in the background and log out by using the following command.  The "&" tells the system to run the job in the background; nohup tells the system to continue the job after you log out. The input file is your file of ANSYS commands; the output file will capture anything ANSYS normally writes to the screen. Name the output file anything you want.

nohup ansys -b < inputfile > outputfile &

If you have questions, talk to the consultant at the Engineering Help Desk, 1253 SC, 319-335-5055.

Using /var/tmp on a Virtual Linux Machine

Once you have started VMware Player and logged into a virtual Linux machine, follow the instructions above for creating and using a /var/tmp file. To return to your [virtual] home directory, use the command cd ~/HOME

Temporary files can be stored in /var/tmp and then copied back to the ~/HOME directory or put on a USB device.