Engineering faculty

96 Tenure-track faculty
15 Instructional-track faculty


Research productivity

per tenure-track faculty member


National Academy of Engineering members


Named and distinguished chairs


Named and distinguished professorships


Named and distinguished faculty fellows

Making Headlines

Rachel Vitali
Xuan Song

Rachel Vitali, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is working to improve student career opportunities in the U.S. Navy by expanding Iowa’s Naval Sciences and Technology certificate – one of the few of its kind in academia – to include human performance as a specialization area. Understanding human performance is often critical to the success of naval operations. 

Xuan Song, associate professor of industrial and systems engineering and faculty affiliate of the Iowa Technology Institute, won a competitive Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Program award to advance research of additive manufacturing of energetic materials. The program aims to “discover, shape, champion, and transition high-risk research that will positively impact the future Air and Space Forces.” 

Six people standing in front of a fighter jet
Xiaodong Wu and an image of a heart

Matthew McGill, professor of chemical and biochemical engineering and faculty affiliate of the Iowa Technology Institute, is leading a research team building capabilities to make Iowa a destination for measuring atmospheric and environmental data crucial for understanding effects of climate change. His three-year, $1.2 million project is funded by Iowa’s P3 program for strategic campus initiatives. 

Xiaodong Wu, professor of electrical and computer engineering and faculty affiliate of the Iowa Technology Institute, is principal investigator of a $1.7 million National Institutes of Health grant to advance understanding of Takotsubo, in which patients suffer from a weakened heart as the result of severe emotional or physical stress, such as the loss of a loved one. The condition has been dubbed “broken-heart syndrome.”