2025 Awardees

Distinguished Engineering Alumni Academy

The Distinguished Engineering Alumni Academy was created to honor University of Iowa engineering alumni for their personal contributions toward engineering achievement, leadership, and service to the profession and to society.

Mark Scheider

Marc C. Schneider

BA 1989, MS 1991, PhD 1995

Alumni Service Award

The Alumni Service Award was created to honor University of Iowa engineering alumni for their service to the college, their outstanding engagement, and their ongoing contributions to their profession.

Mark Johnson

Mark E. Johnson

MS 1974, PhD 1976

Outstanding Recent Alumni Award

The Outstanding Recent Alumni Award was created to honor University of Iowa engineering alumni who have distinguished themselves in their profession early in their careers and have earned recognitions and honors in their fields.

Shamus Roeder BME alum

Shamus Roeder

BSE 2017, MS 2019

Alumni Merit Award

The College of Engineering Alumni Merit Awards were created to honor alumni who have had distinguished careers in their fields and who have established themselves as leaders in their engineering disciplines.

Aalok Sahai

Aalok Sahai

BSE 1997

Roy J. Carver Department of Biomedical Engineering

Sharon K. Tinker portrait, black blouse

Sharon Tinker

BSCHE 1980

Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 

Ronald Kaminski

Ron Kaminski

BS 1992

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Michael Farrell

Michael Farrell

BSE 2000

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering 

Jaymie Oehler

Jaymie Lynn Oehler

BS 1995

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Bob Whitmore

Robert W. Whitmore

BSE 1986

Department of Mechanical Engineering