Poster registration

Students must fill out the poster registration form to register your poster. Please read the following instructions carefully; you will need to gather some information before you register.

Be sure to have the following information readily available during the registration process:

  1. Names of all poster authors/researchers. Choose one as poster representative for registration purposes.
  2. The poster representative should fill out the registration form. Only one registration contact per poster is necessary.
  3. Poster title and abstract (50-100 words).
  4. Determine which department you want to be affiliated with for poster judging.
  5. You must choose a one-hour time slot when you or a co-author will be on site for presentations with judges.

Please make sure your judging category is correct before submitting the form. You may contact Jane Kirsch with any questions or problems. Please be accurate, as the poster titles, abstracts, and poster judging time cannot be changed after the Qualtrics survey is submitted.

Register your poster


Guidelines and poster requirements

Each poster should include an introduction to the topic, its key points, and a summary of the results. Your poster should be self-explanatory.

Type size should be at least 20 pt. Use a heavy, legible font that is free from unnecessary ornamentation (e.g., Arial, Calibri, and Helvetica are all good choices).

Please check out this site for information on how to make a successful research poster.

NEW THIS YEAR: The posters will be displayed on whiteboards and attached with magnets. Posters must be 42” high by 32” wide to make it possible for two posters to fit on each side of the whiteboard. Make sure to leave enough space on the margins of your poster for the magnets. Use the template to make sure your poster is the correct size.

Download poster template


Poster printing

Please plan on printing your poster early! The college printer will be very busy the week of Research Open House. You must make arrangements with your department for the poster printing details before you print your poster (speak with the department admin). Posters that are not submitted with the correct size (42” high by 32” wide) WILL NOT BE PRINTED.

If you have any questions or problems with submitting your poster for printing, please contact Sarah Williams at

Submit poster for printing


Poster presentations

Poster check-in time: Thursday, April 24, 2025, 8:00–9:30 a.m.

Posters must be displayed and ready for visitors and poster judges by 9:45 a.m. All posters will be moved to the registration tables in the 2nd floor lobby after 2:30 p.m. on Thursday. Posters not picked up by noon on Friday will be discarded.


Poster judging

Posters will be judged via RocketJudge based on four criteria:

  • The poster has a clearly defined scientific method: hypothesis, methodology, findings, and conclusion.
  • The poster clearly communicates the significance and relevance of the results in a way that is easy to understand.
  • The student’s presentation was professional, engaging, and showed a command of the information. The student responded well to questions.
  • The poster design is well-organized and visually appealing (appropriate font size, layout, and use of visual aids).


Recognition and award categories

  • One Graduate Student Poster Award in each of the six college departments
  • One Undergraduate Student Poster Award in each of the six college departments
  • People’s Choice Award chosen via text message by all attendees, including presenters and judges: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards to the top scores.


Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Jane Kirsch in advance at 319-335-0676 or