Waiving of Pre-/Co-Requisites

Prerequisites: Students requesting for a prerequisite to be waived should do this prior to course registration. This can be done within their MyUI. The system will automatically block students who have not satisfied the prereq requirement and they will be sent to the waiver form. See questions and answers regarding prerequisites.

Co-requisites: Students requesting permission to waive a co-requisite should complete this form.

Waiving IE Sophomore Seminar

Industrial Engineering (IE) students who have completed the Sophomore Seminar in the University of Iowa College of Engineering, but in a program other than IE (e.g., BME, CBE, CEE, ME), are not required to enroll in the IE Sophomore Seminar IE:2000. Those students should consult directly with their advisor about Elective Focus Area choices in IE. However, students transferring from another college or institution are required to complete the IE Sophomore Seminar.