Gene Parkin, Donald E. Bently Professor of Engineering, professor of civil and environmental engineering, and director of the UI Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination, has been named a Fellow of the Association of Environmental Engineering & Science Professors (AEESP).
Individuals who receive the honor include members who have exhibited exceptional long-term excellence in environmental research, teaching, and/or service to the environmental engineering and science community.
Parkin is widely recognized as a world-wide expert in environmental engineering. He is co-author of one of the most widely used textbooks in the field, Chemistry for Environmental Engineering an Science, and is particularly well known for his scholarly contributions in the area of wastewater design and treatment, and the use of iron in remediation of chlorinated solvents.
AEESP is made up of professors in academic programs throughout the world who provide education in the sciences and technologies of environmental protection.
Founded in 1963 as a private nonprofit organization, AEESP has more than 800 members in universities throughout the world. The Association assists its members in improving education and research programs, encourages graduate education, and serves the profession by providing information to government agencies and the public, and provides direct benefits to its members.