Charles D. Wilmot, II, an undergraduate student studying computer science and engineering, has been awarded the Department of Defense Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation Scholarship.
This prestigious award provides students with full tuition for up to five years, summer internships, a stipend, and full-time employment with the Department of Defense after graduation. This unique opportunity offers students hands-on experience at one of over 200 of the nation’s most innovative laboratories and research facilities across the Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force and larger Department of Defense. During summer internships, SMART Scholars work directly with an experienced mentor, gaining valuable technical skills. After graduation Wilmot will work at Air Force Space Command Space & Missile Systems Center in El Segundo, CA.
"I am thrilled with the opportunity the SMART scholarship provides for my education as well as the opportunity to serve my country’s national security mission," said Wilmot. "I am grateful for the support from Dean Nembhard, my professors, and advisors at the College of Engineering throughout the scholarship application process.”
Wilmot earned his Eagle Scout in 2019, is a 2020 graduate of Loyola High School of Los Angeles, is a first-year engineering student at the University of Iowa, active with the Hyperloop and Baja club, as well as the men’s club volleyball team. Wilmot also currently works as an IT Help Desk analyst for the UI Information Technology department. Wilmot is from Hermosa Beach, CA and is currently focusing his studies on software applications.
About the SMART Program
The SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program is a combined educational and workforce development opportunity for bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. students to gain technical skills in critical STEM fields and support the national security mission of the Department of Defense. For more information on the SMART Program or to learn how students can apply, please visit www.smartscholarship.org.