Yangzhou, China - the birthplace of Yang Zhou fried rice
Schools Attended
B.S. Peking University
Ph.D. Rice University
Postdoc Northwestern University
Describe your undergraduate/graduate studies
My work focuses on renewable energy, especially using electrocatalysis to better store and transform renewable energy. We're trying to find ways to make chemicals with lower CO2 emissions and higher efficiency. Think of it like finding the perfect recipe - we want catalysts that can produce more chemicals while using less energy. During my undergrad and Ph.D., I worked on developing inexpensive catalysts for making useful chemicals like hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, and hydrogen, as well as improving Li-ion batteries. While the traditional trial-and-error approach worked well, it was pretty slow – we can test at most 20 catalysts in a day. That's why during my postdoc, I started combining different methods that let us test thousands of catalysts at once. Now we can get over 10,000 experimental results in one afternoon - it's like having a thousand scientists working at the same time to find the best catalyst!
What made you decide to go into engineering as a career path?
I believe research can go two ways: either to the bookshelf to inspire others or to the market to be used. I love engineering because it helps turn great ideas into real products that improve our world. It's like cooking - here in Iowa, we have amazing meat and corn, but just putting them together doesn't make a great dish. The magic happens when you engineer the perfect recipe!
What led you to the University of Iowa?
UIowa has amazing research support - great facilities, friendly collaborative atmosphere, and backing from everyone from the department to the university level. I especially love working with our bright and talented students as I'm starting my independent career and exploring new areas. Plus, after experiencing Hurricane Harvey right when I arrived in Houston for my Ph.D., I appreciate that we don't have hurricanes here!
Favorite thing about being a professor at the University of Iowa?
I love that I get to talk to different people and collaborate with researchers everywhere. Iowa is actually in the middle of everywhere - it makes connecting with people across the country really convenient.
What courses are you teaching this upcoming semester? Do you have a favorite?
I am co-teaching Process Design I this semester, and I'm going to co-teach Green Chemical and Energy Technologies. I don't have a favorite course - all courses in our department complement each other logically.
What is your favorite place you have traveled to?
New York. Great US Open, amazing food, and wonderful museums.
What are some of your hobbies?
I love running - it helps me relax and think about various interesting ideas. I also enjoy reading different kinds of books. This is another reason why I like Iowa City - we have great book clubs and local bookstores with excellent taste.
Where is your favorite place to eat in Iowa City?
Lincoln Wine Bar. They make incredible pizza!
Fun fact about you?
I have a cat named Dr. Grey, which comes from "Grey's Anatomy."