The College of Engineering was well represented by undergraduates in the spring 2024 University of Iowa dean's and president's lists.
Engineering students accounted for 628 of the more than 7,650 University of Iowa students on the dean’s list, and 131 of the 1,280 students campus-wide on the president's list for the 2024 spring semester.
The dean's list recognizes undergraduates who achieved a grade-point average (GPA) of 3.50 or higher on 12 semester hours or more of UI graded coursework during a given semester or summer session and who have no semester hours of “I” (incomplete) or “O” (no grade reported) during the same semester.
The president's list recognizes undergraduates who achieve a GPA of 4.0, which is equivalent to an A, in 12 semester hours or more of UI graded coursework and who have no “I” marks (incompletes) or “O” marks (no grade reported) on their records for two consecutive semesters (excluding summer session).