Tuesday, November 29, 2022
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Engineering careers can offer a plethora of different opportunities for University of Iowa students. Tayler Whitters, 2019 alum, started her own unisex luxury skin care brand called ‘Taylered2U’ back in May 2021. The company’s goal is to “customize skin care formulas to individual consumers’ skin needs, because every individual’s skin is different, and requires different materials to keep it up to speed.” Taylered2U’s motto is transparency and strives to follow the “clean beauty standard.” This means Taylered2U will use ingredients that are designed to function in one way, and “will not impact the human body hormones, or environment, negatively.”

Whitters' inspiration for the company started when she was a formulation chemist for personal care applications in Cedar Rapids. She created many different personal care products, including deodorants, lotions, shampoos, serums, etc. During her masters program at the University of Cincinnati, Whitters learned “an immense amount of information about the skin-anatomy,” which is when her newfound passion for skin care immersed. As she obtained her masters in Cosmetic Science through the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy, Whitters worked for a contract manufacturer for personal care products.  This helped Whitter bridge her formulation experience with her background in chemical engineering. Whitters explains, “as a formulator it is important to understand the capacity of the facilities equipment.” Whitters’ undergrad experience in chemical engineering and masters in cosmetic science was the perfect combination of education to help bring her business idea to life.

Learn more about Taylered2U and the products by visiting the website (https://www.taylered2u.com/) and Instagram (@taylered2U_)