Jerald Schnoor, a University of Iowa professor of civil and environmental engineering, is scheduled to deliver lectures at two upcoming events, including the follow up talk to the 2022 World Food Prize Laureate.
The Allen S. Henry Chair in Engineering will speak on the topic of "Climate Change and our Future,” on Oct. 17 in Des Moines as part of World Food Prize events (registration required).
Schnoor’s speech is part of the USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service Borlaug Fellows portion of the event. He will project “where we are going, what we should expect, and what we can do about” increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, amounts of methane and nitrous oxide in the air, and warming global temperatures.
The World Food Prize Foundation is an Iowa-based nonprofit that aims to “sustainably increase the quality, quantity and availability of food for all.”
On Nov. 1, Schnoor is scheduled to give the 2022 Grand Challenges Arntzen Lecture at Arizona State University. The topic is “Sustainability in the Face of Climate Change.”
Schnoor will discuss the changes that have occurred on Earth with special emphasis on the atmosphere, biosphere, and oceans, as well as prospects for stabilizing the climate and transitioning out of the fossil fuel age.
The lecture series was inspired by Dr. Charles (Charlie) Arntzen, who gained recognition developing genetic strategies for using plants to manufacture pharmaceuticals and produce cost-effective vaccines or drugs to save lives around the world, especially in developing nations.
Schnoor also presented on these themes to the UI Faculty Emeritus Council in September 2022.