Charles Stanier is a professor here at the Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department. Stanier has been at the University of Iowa for 17 years. Learn more about Professor Stanier and how his career path led him to the UI!
Youngstown, Ohio
Schools attended
Princeton University, BS chemical engineering 1994
Johns Hopkins University, MS environmental engineering 1998
Carnegie Mellon University, Ph.D. chemical engineering 2003
Describe your undergraduate/graduate studies
I was in chemical engineering with an environmental focus at Princeton, and then I joined International Paper as an environmental engineer right out of my BS engineering degree. International Paper encouraged me to attend night school in environmental engineering at Johns Hopkins to prepare for the professional engineering licensure exam, so I did that, and I got my PE license in environmental engineering in Maryland. Ultimately, I decided to return to graduate school.
What made you decide to go into engineering as a career path?
I was always curious how things were made.
What led you to the University of Iowa?
Greg Carmichael recruited me to an open faculty position with a focus in air quality.
Favorite thing about being a professor at the University of Iowa?
I know its cliché - but watching students grow, seeing the “lightbulb” moment in students when they realize how to approach a problem.
What courses are you teaching this upcoming semester? Do you have a favorite?
I’m teaching Process Control and Dynamics this semester. I don’t have a favorite – each course has some aspect that I look forward to.
What are some of your hobbies?
Cycling, hiking, and jogging. Exploring state parks, national parks, off-the-beaten path towns.
Favorite food and favorite TV show?
Gotta say pizza. TV show – Stranger Things – was a good show in its own right and the Stranger things kids were born in 1971 (in Indiana). I was born in 1972 (in Ohio), so there are a lot of things that resonate – the scenes from the mall, the scene at school, Dungeons and Dragons, the hair and fashion, cruising around on bikes with banana seats.
Fun fact about you?
I’m afraid of heights?