Behrooz Roozitalab is a PhD student in the Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department working with Professor Gregory Carmichael as a Graduate Research Assistant. He is currently researching an extreme pollution event in Delhi, India. Learn more about Behrooz’s studies!
How did you choose the UI for your graduate studies?
I had a MS in Environmental Engineering and my focus was on air quality when I decided to pursue my PhD. The Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department here has an active research field in atmospheric science with top-notch scientists. That is why I decided to become a Hawkeye!
What is your research focused in?
I am a Graduate Research Assistant in Professor Carmichael’s research group. We simulate air quality over polluted regions around the world to understand the interactions between pollution sources and their effects. My current research focus is to investigate an extreme pollution event in Delhi, India. In that location, fine particle concentrations reached up to more than 30 times higher than World Health Organization.
What are your post-graduation plans?
My plan is to use what I have learned to help decision makers take suitable actions for sustainable development. I would like to continue to do research in scientific communities to find the solutions to address air pollution.
Piece of advice for first year graduate students?
I like them to mostly focus on their course work during the first year and enjoy their free time because they can barely find it later!
Favorite thing about Iowa City?
To be honest, I haven’t been in many other places in the United States but compared to places I’ve visited, Iowa City is the most peaceful college town with nice people and urban amenities. And I love the summer festivals!