During the semester the Seamans Center will be open 7am – 7pm, Monday-Friday. It is closed during semester break.
There are a limited number of exterior doors that are available for entrance to the Seamans Center. They are entrance 1 (closest to the Dean’s Office), entrance 3 (main entrance across from CVS), entrance 6 (ADA entrance to 1R/2R elevator), entrance 8 (straight back from the alleyway), entrance 9 (bottom of the loading dock) – anticipated alley/loading dock entry should be restored end of August, and entrance 16 (on Washington St.)
Entrance 1
Entrance 3
Entrance 6
Entrance 8
Entrance 9
Entrance 16
Workflow request form for students to request a temporary access to the building outside of building hours: https://workflow.uiowa.edu/form/engr-student-after-hrs-bldg-access.
Other updates will be provided as they develop.