Three University of Iowa College of Engineering students have been awarded scholarships from the Iowa Space Grant Consortium, part of NASA’s National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program.
Julia Krist is a 4th year environmental engineering student who is also pursuing a sustainability certificate. Krist conducts research with David Cwiertny, a professor of civil and environmental engineering and director of the Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination.
Her work focuses on water quality violations in mobile and manufactured home parks for the purpose of informing legislation and improving water quality in these communities.

Mason Lyons is a senior studying chemical engineering with a focus on sustainability. This summer, Lyons has been working with a faculty member at CU Boulder as part of the Young Scholars Summer Research Program. Lyons sees this scholarship as an opportunity to make connections within the NASA community, furthering his goals of finding a career at NASA.

Will Martin is a junior studying mechanical engineering. Martin is a member of the UI chapter of the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics and has served as vice president of the UI Robotics Club. He hopes that the scholarship will help him become more involved in research projects and collegiate clubs.
The ISGC scholarships support undergraduate students pursuing a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) disciplines that support NASA’s mission and who are enrolled at one of six institutions across the state of Iowa.
About the Iowa Space Grant Consortium
A part of NASA’s National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program since 1990, the ISGC continually strives to improve and inspire Iowa’s future in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). The ISGC supports aerospace research, education, and outreach activities for all Iowans through five program categories: internships, fellowships, scholarships; higher education; research infrastructure; precollege; and informal education.
The ISGC carries out its goals with the help of six universities across the state of Iowa, as well as a number of private industry, educational and government organizations, and science museums. Funding from the ISGC for grants and projects is allocated through our affiliates.