Four College of Engineering Faculty received Seed Grants from the Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Research (ADGPR) during the spring semester of 2020. The grants provide PhD student support specifically directed toward developing preliminary data in preparation for external grant applications.
Hongtao Ding (ME) will work with student Wuji Huang on the project, “Superwicking Heat Pipe Surface Fabrication using a Fast Laser/Chemical Surface Nanostructuring Method.”
Jennifer Fiegel (CBE) will work with student Christopher Ruben on the project, “Bioinspired Nanoparticle Coating to Enhance Targeting to Lung Epithelial Cells.”
Caterina Lamuta (ME) will work with student Thilia Weerakkody on the project “WARD: Wearable Artificial Muscles-Based Rehabilitation Device.”
Corey Markfort (CEE) will work with student Jian Teng on the project “Effects of Wind-Wave Environment on Power Generation and Wake Aerodynamics for Offshore Wind Energy.”
It is anticipated that a call for the next round of Seed Grants will be released in early summer 2020 for FY21 awards.