Tri Quang has received a 2019 American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS) Research Grant for his project "Real-time Tissue Perfusion Assessment Using Fluorescence Imaging Topography Scanning System."
The objective of this proposal is to develop a clinically useful FITS system for intraoperative blood perfusion and assessment, and to evaluate the feasibility of the developed FITS prototype for real-time visualization of vascular flow in small animal models.
About the ASLMS Research Grant
The American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS) supports research projects designed to foster the development and use of lasers and other related technologies in medical and surgical applications. While the best research projects will be given priority for funding, a concerted effort will be made to award a balance of basic science and clinical research. The primary purpose of the ASLMS Research Grant Program is to conduct research which can be applied to medical and surgical care of patients.
For more information visit the ASLMS website.