Karim Abdel-Malek, professor of biomedical engineering and director of the UI Center for Computer-Aided Design, and Dan McGehee, associate professor of mechanical and industrial engineering and director of the National Advanced Driving Simulator, are featured in new videos about faculty members who help predict the future of their fields.
The videos were produced by the UI Center for Advancement to accompany a major story on the topic in the current issue of Iowa Alumni Magazine.
Abdel-Malek forecasts advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, and virtual reality that will improve quality of life -- https://youtu.be/vemzgTNGR3Y
McGehee explains the advances made toward a future with self-driving electric vehicles -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie0OvE56exE
To read the complete Iowa Alumni Magazine story, go to http://magazine.foriowa.org/story.php?ed=true&storyid=1732