Two College of Engineering faculty members and research directors will be keynote speakers at the 2018 Iowa City Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet from 5:00-7:30 p.m. February 15 at the Coralville Marriott Hotel & Convention Center, Coralville, IA.
Dan McGehee, associate professor of mechanical and industrial engineering and director of the National Advanced Driving Simulator, and Karim Abdel-Malek, professor of biomedical engineering and director of the UI Center for Computer-Aided Design and Virtual Soldier Research Program, will speak on "Designing Our Future."
McGehee is an internationally recognized vehicle safety researcher who, for more than 25 years, has done research and design in advanced vehicle safety systems as they relate to driver performance. He developed the first prototype forward collision warning systems for General Motors in the early 1990s and conducted one of the first automated vehicle simulator trials in 1994. He is currently a member of the US delegation of the Trilateral Human Factors in Automation group that splits its time between Europe, Japan and the US.
Abdel-Malek is nationally and internationally recognized in the areas of robotics and human simulation. He leads projects with all services of the US Military and several industry partners including Ford, Rockwell Collins, Caterpillar, and others. He has founded or co-founded three private companies in the simulation, robotics, and educational fields. He is the creator of SANTOS®, a human modeling and simulation environment that is used by military and commercial clients to assess human factors issues in the design of equipment, armament, vehicles, and other large equipment.