Memorial services will be held July 6 in Tallahassee, FL, for C. J. "Marty" Chen, former professor and departmental executive officer of mechanical engineering at the University of Iowa. Chen died June 2, 2017. He was 80.
Chen taught at the University of Iowa for 25 years, and eventually served as the department head from 1982-1992.
In 1992, he was selected to be the dean of engineering at the joint engineering school of Florida State University and Florida A&M University.
Over his career he conducted research supported by the National Science Foundation, NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory and many other scientific organizations. He authored or co-authored over 100 books and technical papers, and received 7 patents in blood cell separation technology and fabrication of nanomagnetic particles. And his awards include the Alexander von Humboldt US Senior Scientist Award, ASME's Da Vince Medal for his life time contributions in the area of fluid mechanics and the Department of the Army's Commander's Award for Public Service.