The University of Iowa India Winterim study abroad program is recipient of the prestigious 2016 Institute of International Education (IIE)Andrew Heiskell Award for Innovation in International Education. Iowa won the Study Abroad category for the India Winterim

International Development program linking students with social entrepreneurs in India.
This year marks the 10-year anniversary of the India Winterim program, with over 1,000 students and faculty participating since its inauguration.
College of Engineering faculty members who have participated in courses and student mentoring are Allen Bradley, professor of civil and environmental engineering and faculty research engineer at IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering; Marian Muste, research engineer at IIHR and adjunct professor of civil and environmental engineering; Madhavan L. Raghavan, Robert and Virginia Wheeler Fellow of Engineering, professor of biomedical engineering, researcher at the Center for Computer-Aided Design and Iowa Institute for Biomedical Imaging; and H. S. Udaykumar, professor of mechanical and industrial engineering and faculty research engineer at IIHR.
IIE's Heiskell Awards showcase the most innovative and successful models for internationalizing the campus, study abroad, and international partnership programs in practice today, with a particular emphasis on initiatives that remove institutional barriers and broaden the base of participation in study abroad and promote international teaching and learning on campus.
The awards honor the most outstanding initiatives in international higher education among the member campuses of the IIE Network, IIE’s membership association of more than 1,400 higher education institutions.
During the fifteen years that it has presented the Heiskell Awards, IIE has recognized more than 100 programs that advance international education on IIE Network member campuses, and has made their profiles available as a Best Practices Resource online. Leaders from this year’s award-winning campuses will make presentations at IIE’s Best Practices Conference so that international education practitioners can learn from their experience and adapt their innovative internationalization strategies and models for their own campuses.