Kyung K. Choi, Roy J. Carver Professor of Mechanical Engineering, professor of mechanical and industrial engineering, and researcher at the UI Center for Computer-Aided Design, has been elected a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
AIAA Fellows are “persons of distinction in aeronautics or astronautics, who have made notable and valuable contributions to the arts, sciences, or technology thereof." Only one member of the Institute for every 1,000 members is elected as a Fellow each year by the AIAA Board of Directors.
Choi will attend the AIAA Fellow Dinner and AIAA Aerospace Spotlight Awards Gala June 14 where he will be presented with his Fellow certificate.
AIAA is the largest aerospace professional society in the world, serving a diverse range of more than 30,000 individual members from 88 countries, and 95 corporate members.