Engineering students Ryan Collins, a sophomore in mechanical engineering, and Michael Hillman, a junior in mechanical engineering, took top honors in the Iowa

Collins received first place for his poster on "Assessment of Offshore Wind Production in Lake Michigan." Hillman was awaarded second place for "Performance Testing of a Scaled NREL Phase 6 Rotor."
Students representing different colleges and universities around the state participated in the poster competition, presenting energy and broader impacts-related research they have been working on over the course of the year.
Out of the many posters presented at the annual meeting, three posters were chosen for cash awards. Judges were Alicia Rosburg, University of Northern Iowa; Junyong Ahn, University of Northern Iowa; Hongtao Ding, the University of IowaI; Raghuraman Mudumbai, of the University of Iowa; and Andy VanLoocke, of Iowa State University.