Ibrahim Ozbolat, assistant professor of mechanical and industrial engineering and co-director of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Group in the UI

Center for Computer-Aided Design, will deliver the keynote address May 14-17 at the 2015 IEEE USA Annual Meeting & and 26th Great Lakes Biomedical Conference in Milwaukee, WI.
Ozbolat will speak on "Bioprinting Living Tissues and Organs." He will discuss how bioprinting is an emerging field that is making a revolutionary impact on the medical sciences. He will explain how It offers great precision for spatial placement of cells, proteins, genes, drugs and biologically active particles to better guide tissue generation and formation.
This emerging biotechnology appears to be promising for advancing tissue engineering toward functional tissue and organ fabrication for transplantation, drug testing, research investigations, and cancer or disease modeling, and has recently attracted growing interest worldwide among researchers and the general public. Ozbolat will present possibilities in bioprinting scale-up functional tissue and organ constructs and discusses alternative approaches, their limitations and promising directions for new research prospects.
The IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technology for humanity with more than 430,000 members worldwide. IEEE-USA is the geographical unit of IEEE supporting the education, career development, and public policy interests of the IEEE membership within the United States of America. The IEEE-USA Annual Meeting provides three days of advanced leadership training to the practicing engineers that make up the IEEE-USA volunteer network.
This year, the IEEE-USA Annual Meeting is co-located with the 36th Meeting of the Great Lakes Biomedical Conference (GLBC 2015), featuring "Biomedical Applications of Additive Manufacturing (3-D printing)." The Great Lakes Biomedical Conference gathers industry, academic, and student leaders from the biomedical professions.