What is the LEaPP Academy?
What is the LEaPP Academy
The LEaPP Academy aims to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives that will enhance their long-term success, make them valuable leaders to the companies that employ them, and develop them as ethically and globally-aware citizens of the world.
“One of the main differences between science and engineering is that engineering is not just about better understanding the world but also about changing it. Many engineers believe that such change improves, or at least should improve, the world. In this sense engineering is an inherently morally motivated activity.”
Van de Poel & Royakkers
Ethics, Technology, & Engineering
Individuals that complete the LEaPP Academy will receive collegiate accolades and be honored with graduation cords specific to the LEaPP Program.
The LEaPP academy is designed to be accessible no matter which semester or timeline in which a student joins, each piece is individualized and self-led to offer the best experience to each student based on their needs.
LEaPP Scholars will complete a number of co-curricular activities to earn Leadership, Ethical Thinking, & Professional Development Credentials.
Leadership Credential

Ethical Thinker Credential

Professional Credential

LEaPP Scholar Portfolio
In their final semester, LEaPP scholars create digital portfolios which document their experiences in the academy and reflect their curricular and co-curricular activities completed toward each certificate.
Student Leadership Institute
The Student Leadership Institute brings together Engineering students who are looking to expand on their knowledge of leadership to steer their experiences and goals while at The University of Iowa, in the College of Engineering. This institute will provide each participant with a unique, and renowned experience to help launch their future as a leader. Students will engage with StrengthsFinder, Personal Leadership philosophies, and much more during this one-day institute. Applications for 2024 are open March 5-22. The event is April 6 in the IMU.