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- Industrial and Systems Engineering Departmental Honors Courses
Industrial and Systems Engineering Departmental Honors Courses
Computers and Information Systems
- CS:3820 Programming Language Concepts
- CS:4400 Database Systems
- CS:5800 Fundamentals of Software Engineering
Human Factors and Ergonomics
- IE: 6410 Research Methods in Human Factors Engr
- IE:6450 Human Factors in Aviation**
- IE:6460 The Design of Virtual Environments
Entrepreneurship EFA
- ECE:5630 Sustainable Energy Conversion
- ECE:5620 Electric Power Systems
- STAT:4510 Regression, Time Series, & Forecasting
Design and Manufacturing EFA
- IE:6232 Advanced Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
- BME:5401 Biomaterials and Implant Design
- ME:6217 Advanced Modeling and Simulation for Manufacturin