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Grades, Probation, and Dismissal
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Classification of Students
Students in the College of Engineering are classified by the number of semester hours (sh) of credit they have earned toward the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.).
First-year: 0-29 sh earned toward the B.S.E.
Sophomore: 30-59 sh earned toward the B.S.E.
Junior: 60-89 sh earned toward the B.S.E.
Senior: 90 sh or more earned toward the B.S.E.
GPA Calculator
Students can use the GPA Calculator to help predict their future GPA!
Grading System
The College of Engineering uses the letter grading system consistent with that of the University (A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F). This grading system is used for all students, both undergraduate and graduate. Grades of D- are considered a passing grade; that is, courses completed with grades of D- or higher count toward collegiate requirements, unless specified otherwise (i.e, as a pre-requisite).
Incomplete and No Report Grades
nstructors may report a mark of I (incomplete) if a student is unable to complete a course, for example, if the majority of the work has been completed; if the work is unfinished for reasons acceptable to the instructor; and if a student's standing in the course is satisfactory. Students should not re-enroll in a course for which they have an incomplete. Incomplete grades must be removed by completing the unfinished work.
To complete an “incomplete” course, students must consult with their instructor about the due date for the remaining work and understand all the course requirements. The work must be completed and submitted to the instructor before the close of the semester following the one in which the course was taken. When students complete the unfinished portion of the work, the instructor must submit a final grade by following the Registrar’s change-of-grade procedure. This grade change must be submitted on or before grades are due for the subsequent spring or fall semester. Because summer and winter sessions are not technically semesters, a student with an Incomplete from the spring semester is exempt from completing the work during the subsequent summer session; and a student with an Incomplete from the fall is exempt from completing the work during that winter session.
A mark of I (incomplete) that is not replaced by a final grade will automatically be converted to an F (fail) at the end of the next fall or spring semester (summer and winter sessions excluded), even if a student does not enroll after the session the incomplete was posted. If an “I” is allowed to lapse to an "F" the course may be repeated using the second-grade-only option.
Students cannot graduate with an 'I' mark on their record. They must either complete the course for a passing grade, or allow the incomplete to lapse to an “F.”
A mark of O (no grade reported) will appear on a student's permanent record if an instructor fails to report a grade. It will remain on the record until the instructor submits a valid grade. The College works to ensure that valid grades are reported on time and that “O” marks are changed as soon as possible.
Academic Probation
Students in the College of Engineering are expected to meet academic standards set by the College and demonstrate progress toward their degree. To be considered in good academic standing, engineering students must earn a University of Iowa (UI) Cumulative GPA and a University of Iowa Term GPA of 2.00 or higher.
Students are placed (or continued) on academic probation when their UI Cumulative or UI Term GPA falls below 2.00. Students placed on academic probation are required to complete the probation contract and discuss plans to return to good standing with their assigned academic advisor (professional or faculty).
Students are removed from probationary status when both grade point averages (UI Cum and UI Term) equal or surpass 2.00 upon completion of 9 sh toward the engineering degree. Students usually are allowed only one session to return to good academic standing. Academic probation serves as a warning that unless the student’s academic performance improves, they may be dismissed from the College and may not graduate. It should be noted that students who do not make satisfactory progress may be dismissed from the College without an intervening probationary period.
The College of Engineering reviews the academic records of students at the close of the fall and spring semesters. There is no academic review at the close of the summer or winter sessions.
See also: Dismissal from the College, Reinstatement, and Restart.
Probationary notification and records
If a student is placed or continued on academic probation, they will be notified as follows:
- All students on academic probation will receive a MyUI notification immediately after grades are posted for each session.
- The Registrar will mark the student’s record with the notation "On Academic Probation - College of Engineering." This notation will appear on the grade report in MyUI after semester grades are posted. The notation will remain until the student achieves good academic standing.
Academic Probation Requirements
Students on academic probation are required to:
- Complete the Academic Success Contract and meet with their academic advisor to discuss the contract within the first four weeks of the next semester. Students continued on probation will also be required to meet with the Director of Academic Advising and Student Support as an additional resource in the College.
- Earn at least a 2.0 term GPA or maintain a 2.0 cumulative UI GPA.
- Attend at least one student success workshop. Students continued on probation are required to attend two workshops.
- The Student Success Workshop schedule will be posted here each semester.
Dismissal from the College, Reinstatement, and Restart
The College of Engineering reviews the academic records of students on academic probation at the close of the fall and spring semesters. There is no academic review at the close of the summer or winter sessions.
Dismissal from the College
Students on academic probation who do not meet the requirements to return to good academic standing (2.00 GPA for either, or both, the UI Cumulative GPA and Term GPA) may be dismissed from the College of Engineering. Students on academic probation who withdraw their registration, may be dismissed from the College.
Dismissal will result in cancellation of any current or future course enrollments. Students dismissed for low scholarship may not enroll in courses offered by the University of Iowa unless they have been admitted to another college at the University.
Dismissal notification and records
- The Associate Dean for Academic Programs will send a letter to the residing address listed in the student’s record and a copy of the letter to their University of Iowa email address.
- The Registrar will mark the student’s grade report with the notation "Not permitted to register."
Appealing a dismissal
Students who are dismissed from the College of Engineering for unsatisfactory academic progress due to circumstances beyond their control, such as a death in their immediate family or extended personal illness, may appeal for an immediate revocation of the dismissal. Specific details are provided in the dismissal letter.
Appeal petitions will not be accepted unless they are completed by the student. Third parties, including parents, cannot appeal on behalf of the student.
Students dismissed from the College for low scholarship may appeal to re-enroll after an interval of at least one calendar year.
Students dismissed from the College for unsatisfactory scholarship for the first time are not permitted to register again for one calendar year. Students are required to file a written appeal for reinstatement and apply for reentry to College of Engineering. Students that completed other coursework during their absence should include a transcript with appeal. Students dismissed for the second time may or may not be granted a second reinstatement. Written appeals for reinstatement should be sent to
Appeal Deadlines: June 15 for reinstatement to a fall semester and December 15 for reinstatement to a spring semester.
Questions: Email or call 319-335-5763.
Students returning, or who have returned, to the College of Engineering (CoE) after an extended absence (4 consecutive years or more), may use the ReStart option to request removal of one or more of their previously completed CoE academic sessions (i.e. semesters or winter/summer enrollments) from future grade point averages and degree considerations.
Students who have already graduated from The University of Iowa are not eligible to use the Restart option whether for a second degree, teacher certification, or any other purpose.
For additional information on eligibility requirements and policies: