Who am I
Name: Ricky Alvarez
Major: Chemical Engineering
Minor: Business
Focus Area: Business Administration
Year: Third-year
Hometown: Yorkville, IL
A Little More About Me
What is one piece of advice you would give to an incoming freshman?
One piece of advice I would give to an incoming freshman would be to create a calendar for all your assignments/exams for the semester to remind you of when everything will be due. Go through the syllabus for each of your classes and figure out when all your future assignments will be due to ensure that you'll never miss a due date.
What have you been involved with outside of the COE?
Outside of the College of Engineering, I am also involved with Greek life here at the University of Iowa. I decided to rush during the fall semester of my sophomore year and am currently a member of the rush committee for the Sigma Phi Epsilon chapter (ΣΦΕ).
What do you enjoy doing in your free time at The University of Iowa?
During my free time here at the University of Iowa I enjoy golfing, fishing, working out, and watching sports with friends. There are several golf courses near campus, plenty of good fishing spots filled with fish, more than enough gyms that are accessible for students (fitness east being my favorite), and plenty of Iowa Hawkeye sporting events to attend.
What organizations inside the college of engineering do you belong to?
Organizations that I'm involved with inside the College of Engineering include being the activity coordinator for Omega Chi Epsilon (OXE), a chemical engineering honors society, and being a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), a professional organization for chemical engineers.
What is your favorite part about being a student at The University of Iowa?
My favorite part about being a student here at the University of Iowa is that I get to watch and cheer for the Hawkeye football team at Kinnick during the fall. On top of that, I get to make new connections with my professors as well as the thousands of other students that I see throughout each day.