
Photonics systems engineers develop the devices, systems, and technologies used to implement modern telecommunications services. They also support research into new technologies aimed at extending the bandwidth of the world's optical networking infrastructure.

Depending on the courses selected, completion of photonics systems area coursework can provide additional understanding of topics in electromagnetics, quantum mechanics and electronics, solid state devices, telecommunications system design, and optical information processing.

Photonics systems engineers find employment in the telecommunications industry, semiconductor manufacturing, the instrumentation industry, the camera industry, and more generally, anywhere optics and technology intersect.

Students interested in this FA are encouraged to consider the course suggestions listed below when completing their plan of study form: 

Plan of Study Form

Electrical Track Requirements Suggested Options
Track Electrical
Depth Elective
(Select One)
ECE:5700 Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
Breadth Elective
(Select One)
ECE:3540 Communication Networks
5000-Level ECE Elective
(Select Two)
All 5000-level depth electives listed above and

ECE:5995 Quantum Engineering: Computing and Devices (Prerequisites: MATH:2550 and ENGR 2730)
ECE:5500 Communication Theory
ECE:5780 Optical Signal Processing (Same as: PHYS:4820)
ECE:5790 Electro-optics (Same as: PHYS:4726)
ECE:5995 Radio Frequency Electronics

ECE Elective
(Select One)
All breadth, depth and 5000-level ECE electives listed above
Technical Elective
(Select One)
All breadth, depth and 5000-level ECE electives listed above and
PHYS:3741 Intro. to Quantum Mechanics I
PHYS:3742 Intro. to Quantum Mechanics II
MATH:4200 Complex Variables
ECE:4728 Intro. to Solid State Physics (Same as: PHYS:4728)
Additional Electives
(Select one 3 s.h. & one ≥2 s.h.)
Any of the above OR course selected in consultation with advisor.


Advising Notes

A minor in mathematics can be earned by including one qualifying math course in the FA plan.

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