Finance Forms
Exception to Limit on Summer Support
A faculty member holding an appointment for the academic year may be employed by the university outside the academic year on a part-time or a full-time basis in summer session teaching, in sponsored research or training programs, or in other activities. For summer support greater than two months, an exception to the two-month limit is required to meet certain certifications and clarify that the summer appointment decrease or eliminates the time which the faculty member is not required to provide services to the university.
To request an exception and/or learn more about the certifications and requirements, please see the Engineering Exception to Limit on Summer Appointment workflow form here.
Questions can be directed to the assistant director, finance and budget, in the College of Engineering.
Course Fee Request
The Course Fee Request Form is used to request a new course fee or to revise an existing course fee.
The University of Iowa defines a course fee as a charge applied at the course level for consumable expenses directly related to the student’s participation in a course. A course fee should be based on plausible estimates of the anticipated costs or previous records of actual costs and should be kept as low as possible.
Request for General Ledger Chartfields & WhoKeys
Request for new Chartfield values and WhoKeys in the General Ledger can be submitted for the following:
- Department
- Subdepartment
- Grant/Programs that start with '3' (Cost Share), '5' (Other - Org Unit/Departmental Programs) or '8' (Gifts)
- New WhoKeys for Cost Share
- Salary Cap (Grant/Program 31111111)
- Gifts and Other (Grant/Program 00000000 or starts with '5')
- Cost Centers limited to the faculty range of 1000-8999
Please refer to the User Manual of the application for further details.
Undergraduate Instructional Lab Equipment Funding Request
The College of Engineering Undergrad Teaching Lab Equipment Funding Application aims to provide one-time, non-recurring funds to academic departments to update equipment, software, hardware, or other technology that support undergraduate instruction. Requests are expected to have a department contribution of at least 20% of the total expense.
Departments should complete an application form and submit it via workflow.
Annual Application cycles are as follows:
Application Open Date | Application Close Date |
August 1st | October 1st |
Off-cycle and/or emergency requests will be considered on an as-needed basis. Please reach out to Associate Dean Grosland before completing the form in such cases.
Applications will be reviewed by the CoE Student Technology Fees Committee, and applicants will be notified of their application status 14 business days after the respective close date.
When possible, the CoE Student Technology Fees Committee will prioritize purchases that can be shared across departments and labs to maximize the impact to students.
Bridge Funding Requests
Bridge funding support is used to sustain research projects that have lost or may lose extramural funding. The College of Engineering Bridge Funding Program provides support to eligible Principal Investigators (PI) to span a temporary funding gap in critical research programs and assist with re-establishing external funding. A primary objective of this program is to keep experienced research teams together while funding is re-established.
For eligibility, requirements, timeline, and information on how to apply, please see the College of Engineering Bridge Funding Guidelines. Please click here for the Bridge Funding Request Workflow Form.
Questions can be directed to the Assistant Director, Finance & Budget in the College of Engineering.
Cost Share Requests
Cost share funding is the portion of total sponsored project costs that are not paid by the sponsoring agency, and therefore covered by some other source. It may also be called matching funds, where the sponsor requires the grantee to “match” the sponsor funding at a specific ratio.
“In kind” cost share requests require approval from the DEO and/or Center/Institute Director who will ascertain whether the faculty/staff member has available time to direct towards the cost-share.
Other expenses (equipment/facility usage etc.) may also be offered for shared resources and will require approval from the C/I director. The PI does not need to fill out the cost share request form below as such “in kind” requests can be handled internally within the appropriate unit.
For more information about the guidelines and processes, please see the Cost Share Funding Process and Guidelines.
To formally submit a Cost Share Funding Request to the College of Engineering, please use the workflow form here.
Questions can be directed to the Assistant Director, Finance & Budget in the College of Engineering.
Operations Forms
Off-Campus Equipment Use
Any university-owned property removed from campus must be tracked. This form is designed to get approval once you have already worked with the ETC office or your supervisor.
Questions should be directed to Matt McLaughlin at
College of Engineering Space Request
The college is committed to a space utilization plan which maximizes the utility of the space and makes it possible to reassign space as needs change over time.
To retain research and teaching laboratory space, faculty must demonstrate continuing effective and productive use of the space.
If you have either short-term, including one day events, or long-term requests, please submit an Engineering Facilities Space Request here to the College of Engineering Space Planning Committee.
If you have questions, please contact the director, finance and operations, for the College of Engineering.
Capital Asset Management Forms
The following Capital Asset Management forms and instructions are included in the link.
- Asset Updates Form – update building location, room number, serial number, custodian, etc.
- Addition Request Form – add capitalized equipment
- Deductions Request Form – remove capitalized asset from departmental inventory
- Internal Transfer of University Equipment – transfer ownership from one UI department to another
- Off Campus Use of Property – for use when equipment will be considered “off campus”
- Surplus Removal Request Form – to remove property and send to surplus
- Title Transfer of University Equipment – transfer of ownership from UI to another institution
- Statement of Government-Owned Equipment Status (federal assets only)
- Non-capitalized Equipment – for departmental use only
FM@Your Service Portal
The FM@YourService Portal consists of five different form options (buttons) for submitting the following requests:
- Request Maintenance – building, custodial, ground maintenance
- Order Work or Keys – get keys, install/hang small items
- Request Project – renovate space, install signage/furniture/etc.
- Get Help – request maintenance estimate, contact us, additional resources
- Ask a COVID-19 question – FM operations
For facilities emergencies, please call 319-335-5071, 24/7.
College of Engineering Form Request
This is a workflow to be used for requesting new College of Engineering Universal Workflow forms or changes to existing ones.
Procuring IT Equipment
IT related purchases that meet one or more of the following criterion must be purchased through local University Shared Services staff in consultation with ECS.
- Devices that have computing capability such as desktops, laptops, tablets and other mobile devices, etc.
- Devices that have wired or wireless networking capability
- Storage capacity over 128 gigabytes
- Bulk (5+) purchases of Internet of Things (IoT) platforms such as arduinos, Raspberry Pis, compute sticks, etc.
- Cost threshold over $100. (excluding consumables, e.g. toner)
ECS has been charged with handling the ordering, processing, receiving, and inventory of all technology equipment for the college. Among the ordering-related services that ECS provides are:
- Consulting - Come to us with your functional needs and ECS staff will facilitate purchase.
- Purchasing options - When there are options for equipment that fits the stated need, ECS will provide the purchaser with the various options.
- Ordering - ECS will work with the vendor(s) and Purchasing to order the desired equipment.
- Tracking of the order
- Taking delivery of the order
- Working with Inventory (Finance & Operations) as required
- Setup
- Delivery
For IT related procurement, contact ECS at 319-335-5751 or stop in to 1253 SC or complete the following workflow form.
Relevant Policies
Review the desktop Acceptable Use Policies for Information Technology Resources, the Academic Software Funding & Acquisition Guidelines, the Network, Security, and Cabling Policies and policies found on the ISPO website.
Software Procurement and Installation Policy
The Engineering Computer Network (ECN) software installation policy sets deadlines for ECS staff to receive software to be installed on computers. Software must be installed within security, licensing, and accessibility constraints following University Policies. Some software is not conducive for network installation, ECS cannot guarantee that all packages can be successfully installed. All software to be used in courses, labs, and required for job duties must go through the ITS Technology Review Process prior to installation. Contact ECS to help complete the review process.
Who Is Affected
All College of Engineering faculty, staff, and students.
Classroom and Lab Software Installation Policy
Please allow for multiple weeks lead time for software to be used in fall and spring courses. The ITS Technology Review Process takes multiple weeks to complete in addition to the time needed by ECS to install the software. Typically ECS will need around three (3) months before the start of fall classes to allow for the Technology Review Process and software installation.
Minimal changes will be made to the lab loads during the year.
Classroom laptop load changes to the user environment may be made during a semester. Classroom laptop load changes requiring a complete reload must be approved by the ECS Director. If you plan to use the classroom laptops, please check out one from ECS so that you can test the software you intend to use.
Software to be used in a special training session must be given to ECS 1 month before the start of the session. In addition, you must supply a technical contact with the software so that ECS staff can discussion installation issues.
Research or Other Software Installation Policy
Research software may be required to go through the ITS Technology Review Process prior to installation. Contact ECS to help complete the review process.
Some educational software may require additional licensing for research use. ECS will assist with software on demand as time allows. Any required funding is the responsibly of the researcher.
Verification that requested software compliance with University of Iowa policy (Export Controls, ITAR, etc. – as may be specified in grants) fall to the grant Principle Investigator (PI) and researcher.
To request software, fill out the College of Engineering Software Procurement Request form and bring applicable media, documentation, and licensing information to ECS, 1253 SC by the above noted deadline.
Within two weeks of receiving the software, ECS will notify instructor if the software cannot be installed on the network.
In general, software to be installed on the Engineering Computer Network must:
- Run under Windows 10 or 64-bit Linux
- Run as ordinary user (not administrator)
- Does not need to write to protected areas (C:\Windows ,C:\Program Files, C:\Program Files (x86), etc.)
- Does not need to write to the local machine registry (HKey_Local_Machine store)
- Allow the installing administrator to set the location of files the software needs to create and modify
- Be IPv6 compatible
- Have a licensing system that does not require administrative action on each computer (no web activation per host)
- Have a silent installation method (no user interaction during installation)*
- Not conflicting with existing applications and device drivers
- Not require hardware security devices
- Not require Netbios
* Please check with staff to see if a silent install is possible
For questions about this policy and use of software on College of Engineering computers, please contact the ECS Director, 319-335-5751.
See Also: Academic Software Funding and Acquisition Guidelines above.
HR Transaction Hub Request Forms
HR Transaction Request
The intended use of these forms is to provide information to the CoE HR and Finance teams as part of the HR Transaction Hub to assist in the entry of creating and submitting the following types of forms:
- Appointments, transfers, and terminations
- For any employee type when initially appointing, terminating appointment, or transferring appointment.
- Updating/changing job
- For any current employee that may need a change of funding sources, a change of pay group, a change in rate of pay/amount of pay, change in percent of appointment, or to request extension of a term employee.
- Providing additional pay
- To provide additional compensation for an employee. This includes summer salary (research and teaching), special compensation (inclusive of relocation), overload/additional responsibilities.
Staff can attach their own Excel documents as long as they include the required information for the transaction, or they may utilize the College of Engineering template link provided within the request form.
Please allow up to two business days for processing time. Requests may be prioritized by request type and upcoming deadlines, which may delay some requests.
Appointments, transfers, and terminations Updating/changing job Providing additional pay
HR Forms and Process Information
Hiring Request – Adjunct, Staff and Post Docs
To request to hire for an adjunct, staff or postdoctoral scholar position, an Engineering Hiring Request Form must be submitted to the Dean’s Office. The Dean’s Office will provide a response within one to two weeks. If the position is approved, the hiring supervisor will then work with the HR generalist to develop a recruitment plan.
CoE Adjunct Hiring Guidelines
Effective with the start of FY22, this process is required college-wide, regardless of department or funding source. Please note this process applies to positions for which a search will be conducted as well as those for which a search waiver is being requested.
Student Employment
Student employee recruitments and appointments are administered within each department. Please contact your department administrator for assistance.
Student employees may have unique needs in the areas of work schedules, training, and development, and engagement. Fortunately, the university has many resources to guide you in these areas, and Engineering Human Resources is here to help you apply them to unique situations here in the college.
- The Office of Student Financial Aid: The Student Employment website offers a comprehensive guide for employers both on and off-campus.
- Pomerantz Career Center: The Pomerantz website offers comprehensive resources for recruiting students. You will find a link to Handshake on this site, which is the University of Iowa’s primary online recruiting system for hiring students.
- Supervising Today’s Students Series (STS): STS is a series of training sessions geared toward faculty and staff who hire and supervise undergraduate students. Courses cover the student employment life cycle and provide practical tools for successfully engaging and leading student employees.
- Wages: The Office of Student Financial Aid completes a wage survey for part-time and work-study student employees on a yearly basis.
- College of Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Assistants: The college requires that all undergraduate teaching assistants complete the College of Engineering Undergraduate TA Responsibilities Related to Harassment form.
Please contact Engineering Human Resources if you have questions or would like to discuss any needs related to student employment within the College of Engineering. We are happy to support both our student employees and their supervisors.
College of Engineering Undergraduate TA Responsibilities Related to HarassmenT Form
Career Development for Staff
Regular P&S staff are eligible for career development actions including promotions, career advancements, and career shifts (reclassifications). These actions may or may not be accompanied by a pay increase.
To request a career development action for a P&S staff member, please submit a Career Development Request Form.
This form will route to the employee’s supervisor and then the DEO/center director for approval. Upon receipt of department approval, CoE Human Resources will facilitate college review and an approval/denial within 30 days. College review of career development actions will include confirmation of funding, validating appropriateness of the action, and maintaining equity and consistency. The July 1 annual salary increase process may be taken into consideration when evaluating career development pay adjustments.
Career development actions are not considered fully approved until formal email notification by CoE HR is received following University HR review.
Professional Development for Staff
College of Engineering Professional Development
The College of Engineering is committed to supporting the professional development of our staff. The following outlines the request process for staff professional development. It is designed to be accessible, equitable, and transparent and to encourage planning.
Eligibility and criteria for use:
- All College of Engineering regular professional and scientific and merit staff that are 50% time or greater are eligible.
- Requests to attend a training and/or conference that has a cost associated with it. This applies to both virtual and in-person events. Please note that this process does not apply to travel for activities such as recruitment and outreach.
- Any training and/or conference/professional development (virtual or travel related) that will have a cost associated with it, regardless of funding, should have a Staff Professional Development request form completed prior to any costs incurred. Any purchases made related to professional development without prior approval may not be authorized.
- Requests, when possible, should be submitted at least four weeks in advance of training and/or travel, and not more than four months in advance of training and/or travel.
- The request form will route from the initiator to their supervisor, then to the Dean’s Office.
- Request forms received by the Dean’s Office will be reviewed monthly.
- Approval/denial of the request form will trigger an email to be sent to the initiator and their supervisor outlining the next steps.
- Approval of request is dependent upon applicability of content to their position and unit and reasonableness of request.
- Staff may submit more than one request form utilizing College of Engineering funds each fiscal year; however, priority of those funds will be given to staff who have not received professional development funds from the college within the last 12 months.
- If approved, it is expected that the staff member attending the professional development activity will report back to their peers and/or unit about what they learned.
University of Iowa Professional Development
The Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship is an award that University of Iowa staff members may use to help defray costs associated with regional, national, or international meetings or workshops, as well as a variety of other non-academic professional development opportunities on and off-campus.
College Tuition Assistance Program
- The College of Engineering is dedicated to supporting the growth and development of our greatest asset, our employees. The College of Engineering Tuition Assistance Program promotes continuing education and career growth by providing an opportunity for eligible employees to apply for financial assistance to help with tuition costs. The College of Engineering Tuition Assistance Program supersedes and replaces all departmental tuition assistance programs and practices effective July 1, 2022.
- See eligibility requirements, funding, and program guidelines.
- To begin the application process, please complete this form.
- Application deadlines
- Applications must be submitted by the employee and approved by the supervisor within the dates listed below:
Summer | April | May |
Fall | June | July |
Spring | November | December |
Staff Performance Reviews
All regular staff receive performance evaluations annually. These annual reviews follow a calendar year compliance period (January 1 to December 31) and are conducted in the fall.
Performance evaluations are located on UI Self Service, My Career, under Career & Performance -> Performance Review.
Performance review process:
- Employee creates review in Performance Review tool (accessed in Self Service).
- Employee completes review form and routes electronically to supervisor via Performance Review tool.
- Supervisor completes their part of the review form.
- Supervisor conducts review session with employee.
- Supervisor electronically routes review form to employee for acknowledgement. (This can be done prior to or following the review session, based on supervisor preference.)
- Employee electronically signs review, adding optional comments.
- Review is automatically added to ePersonnel and rating is recorded in HR system.
Performance rating scale: A five-point scale is used to provide the overall performance rating:
- Outstanding
- Exceeds Expectations
- Successfully Meets Expectations
- Needs Improvement
- Unsatisfactory
The rating definitions are available here.
Feel free to contact your HR generalist if you have any questions or need assistance as you complete the performance evaluation process.
Leaves of Absence
When faculty and staff need to take a leave of absence from work, perhaps due to personal illness, a family member’s health or other personal situation, they should contact CoE HR to initiate the leave process. CoE HR will submit a confidential intake form to Faculty and Staff Disability Services (FSDS) who will facilitate review of any medical documentation and communicate with the employee, CoE HR, and supervisor regarding leave provisions.
Faculty unpaid leave of absence request
A faculty member may apply for an unpaid leave of absence (which are not categorized under FMLA) for professional or personal reasons (see the University's Policy Manual, III–21.2). An unpaid leave of absence is granted for a specific purpose of some duration and for a specific time period. Leave periods are granted in continuous periods of time (e.g., in units of semesters). If a College of Engineering faculty member intends on applying for a non-compensated leave of absence, the Faculty Unpaid Leave of Absence Request workflow form is required to begin the process and notify all interested parties.
Workplace Accommodations
Should a faculty or staff member require a workplace accommodation due to their health condition or disability, they should contact CoE HR to begin the interactive accommodation process. CoE HR will submit a confidential intake form to Faculty and Staff Disability Services (FSDS) who will work with the employee, CoE HR and supervisor to identify solutions to work difficulties.
Flexible Work Arrangements
Flexible work arrangements involve a work location that is not 100% on campus (remote or hybrid) and/or a work schedule that does not follow normal business hours (Monday–Friday, 8–4:30/5). Staff who would like to request a flexible work arrangement should talk with their supervisor and then submit a flexible work arrangement (FWA) form which will route to the Dean’s Office. The form must be reviewed and approved by the Dean’s Office before the arrangement can be implemented.
Employee Assistance Program
The wellbeing of employees is a top priority for the CoE and the UI. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides integrated services to faculty, staff, and their family members, including:
- Confidential, short-term counseling to faculty, staff, and their families
- Consultation for supervisors/managers
- Information and referral to community resources
The EAP can be reached at 319-335-2085 or
HR Suggestion Box
Have a suggestion? Need to provide some anonymous feedback? Use the HR Suggestion Box to submit your comments.
Recognition Forms
SPOT Awards for Staff
Faculty and staff are eligible for SPOT Awards to recognize performance that is above and beyond one’s normal responsibilities or otherwise impactful to the CoE or UI. A SPOT award may be up to $200, net of withholdings.
To nominate someone for a SPOT Award, complete a Flex Pay Nomination Form which will route to the Dean’s Office for review and approval. SPOT Awards are funded centrally by the CoE.
Exceptional Performance Awards for Staff
Regular P&S staff are eligible for Exceptional Performance Awards to recognize outstanding performance that contributes significantly to the CoE’s mission of teaching, research, and service. An Exceptional Performance Award is a lump sum award that may be up to 10% of base salary (per fiscal year), subject to applicable withholdings.
To nominate someone for an Exceptional Performance Award, complete a Flex Pay Nomination Form which will route to the Dean’s Office for review and approval. Exceptional Performance Awards are funded centrally by the CoE.
CoE Excellence Awards
Annually, faculty and staff are invited to nominate colleagues for one of the CoE Excellence Awards. The nomination, selection, and notification to winners occurs during the spring semester, with award winners announced at the CoE’s awards event held in the fall semester.
The nomination process is done electronically via the CoE Excellence Award Nomination Form. Nominations for the faculty awards, the staff research award, and the PhD award are evaluated by the CoE Awards Committee. Nominations for the remaining staff awards are evaluated by an awards committee from the Engineering Staff Advisory Council.
See details about the awards and a list of past winners.
Find the attestation form required for several of the awards’ nomination materials.
Longevity Awards for Staff
The CoE is fortunate to have many talented staff who have committed a significant portion of their professional career to our mission of teaching, research, and service. Each fall, the CoE recognizes those staff who have reached key service milestones at our annual staff longevity celebration.
Thank You Recognition Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize a CoE faculty or staff member who has gone above and beyond to create this collegiate community. Recognition is acknowledged with a thank you note sent on behalf of the nominator and the staff recognition committee, written and signed by the dean.