
Electrical engineering studies provide a great foundation for business decision-making because they couple objective analysis with the development of strong problem solving skills. The business elective focus area aims to prepare students to apply this foundation to business problems.

Depending on the courses selected electrical interest students in the business focus area can earn a business minor without taking any courses beyond those required to complete their BSE degree. In addition to their EE coursework the focus area provides background in engineering economics, financial management, business law, and marketing.

Electrical engineers with business backgrounds find employment in all engineering industries, as project leaders, mid-level managers, and even as CEOs. In fact, a recent Spencer Stuart study found that 20% of all Fortune 500 CEOs hold engineering degrees of some kind.

Students interested in this FA are encouraged to consider the course suggestions listed below when completing their Plan of Study Form:

Plan of Study Form

EE Electrical Interest Requirements Suggested Options
Track Electrical
Depth Elective
(Select One)
Select from among the Depth Elective options listed for your preferred electrical interest technical focus area
Breadth Elective
(Select One)
Select from among the Breadth Elective options listed for your preferred electrical interest technical focus area
5000-Level ECE Elective
(Select Two)
Select from among the 5000-Level ECE Elective options listed for your preferred electrical interest technical focus area
ECE Elective
(Select One)
Select from among the 5000-Level ECE Elective options listed for your preferred electrical interest technical focus area
Technical Elective
(Select One)
ACCT:2100 Introduction to Financial Accounting (Required. A business minor must be completed for accounting classes to be counted as a Technical Elective.)
ACCT:2200 Managerial Accounting (Required. A business minor must be completed for accounting classes to be counted as a Technical Elective.)
IE:2500 Engineering Economy (Required)
Additional Electives
(Select one 3 s.h. & one ≥2 s.h.)  
MKTG:3000 Introduction to Marketing Strategy


Advising Notes


  • <- satisfied by required program course
  • <---- student MUST select as an elective

The business minor may be earned without any extra courses.

  • MATH:1380 <- MATH:1550
  • STAT:1030 <- STAT:2220
  • ECON:1100 <---- CLAS GEC
  • ECON:1200 <---- GEC from Approved Course Subjects
  • ACCT:2100 <---- ECE Business Minor Technical Elective exception
  • ACCT:2200 <---- ECE Business Minor Technical Elective exception
  • MGMT:2000 <---- GEC from Approved Course Subjects
  • MGMT:2100 <---- GEC from Approved Course Subjects
  • MSCI:1500 <- ENGR:2730
  • MKTG:3000 <---- ECE Free Elective
  • FIN:3000 <---- IE:2500 (ECE Tech Elective)

A minor in mathematics can be earned by including one qualifying math course in the FA plan.

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