Michelle Scherer, professor and departmental executive officer of civil and environmental engineering and faculty research engineer at IIHR, will receive the May Brodbeck Distinguished Achievement Award for Faculty April 6 at the Celebration of Excellence and Achievement Among Women, the University’s annual tribute to the accomplishments of all women at the UI.
The Distinguished Achievement Award is awarded to a staff and faculty member who has distinguished herself or himself and the University through her or his accomplishments. The award is given for an outstanding achievement or a lifetime record of service or achievement.
The celebration first began when the university community gathered in 1982 to award the Jane Weiss Memorial Scholarship. This annual event has expanded in scope, recognizing outstanding scholarship, research, service, leadership and activism among undergraduate, graduate, staff, and faculty women at The University of Iowa. The celebration now also includes the awarding of the Distinguished Achievement Award, the Jean Y. Jew Women’s Rights Award, the Adele Kimm Scholarship, the Ada Johnson/Otilia Maria Fernadez Women's Studies Scholarship, the Kristin K. Lippke Memorial Scholarship, the Margaret P. Benson Memorial Scholarship and the Wynonna G. Hubbard Scholarship.