We are storytellers. The College of Engineering Marketing and Communications team can help you tell your story through print, digital, and social media. This page is your go-to resource for communications requests and assets.
Please feel free to contact us anytime with questions or project needs.

Upload slides to our college-wide or department display monitors to advertise events, classes, and announcements.
Meet the Team

Melanie Laverman
Editor and Web Content Manager

Brian Morelli
Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications

Kristine Roggentien
Communications Manager

Rebecca Whitaker
Coordinator, FIRST Tech Challenge Programs
Isaiah Banwart
Video Technician
Keira Hellenthal
Creative Intern
Alexa Joss
Multimedia Marketing Assistant
Mishka Mohamed Nour
Web Intern
Amelia Pattarini
Multimedia Marketing Assistant
Eva Singh
Web Intern