PhD, 1968

Upon receiving a PhD degree from the University of Iowa in 1968, Dr. Sudhakar Reddy joined the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering, now called Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), retiring in August 2022. During the 54 years on ECE faculty, he served as the chair of the department from 1981-2000, initiated a robust off-campus teaching program for practicing engineers, and greatly improved the undergraduate and graduate enrollments and the national rankings of the programs. The off-campus teaching contributed substantial funds to the ECE Department. He supervised over forty ECE PhD graduates, who went on to have distinguished careers in academia and leading research institutions in the country, a pioneer in design and manufacture of precision Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, and serial entrepreneurs. He has authored or co-authored over 650 peer reviewed journal and conference papers.
Reddy has made seminal contributions to the design of highly reliable digital computing systems, error-correcting codes, and cost-effective methods to test and diagnose VLSI circuits and systems. In recognition of these contributions, he was awarded a Fellow of the IEEE in 1987, received the prestigious Humboldt Foundation Research Award (also called the Humboldt Prize) in 1995 and in 2002, received several best paper awards and nominations, was awarded Lifetime Achievement Award by International Conference on VLSI Design in 2008, Lifetime Contribution Medal by IEEE Test Technology Technical Council in 2018. In 1990, he was awarded The University of Iowa Foundation Distinguished Professor in ECE and was presented with the UI College of Engineering Research Excellence Award in 2002.
Inducted: April 2023