Xin Zan

Assistant Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering

I am an incoming tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Iowa, starting in Fall 2024.

I am currently seeking for self-motivated PhD students who are passionate about applied statistics, data science, and artificial intelligence. Ideal candidates should have background in engineering, statistics, mathematics and/or strong programming skills in at least one programming language (Python, R, or Matlab is preferred).

Two fully-funded positions are open and expected to begin in Fall 2024/Spring 2025. If interested, please email your detailed CV, (unofficial) transcripts, and research interests to The positions remain open until filled.

Contact: [LinkedIn]

CV and publications: Xin Zan CV

Joining the College of Engineering: Fall 2024

Research interests: 

My research interests are focused on developing novel advanced data-driven analytics methodologies for complex system modeling, monitoring, and diagnosis, with applications in healthcare, manufacturing, service, etc. 

  • Statistical and machine learning with weak supervision
  • Knowledge-enhanced deep learning
  • Spatial temporal analysis and modeling
  • Causal analysis and inference
  • Health informatics and healthcare systems engineering
Engineering Unit(s)
  • Industrial and Systems Engineering
Xin Zan, PhD
PhD, Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida, expected 2024
MS, Statistics, University of Florida, 2022
BS, Industrial Engineering (with honors), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, 2019