James W. Stoner
Joined the College of Engineering: 1977
Bhatti, A. and Stoner, J.W., "Simulation Loads from Different Vehicle Configurations," International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 396-416, 1994.
Stoner, J.W., "Human Factors Applications of Driving Simulation," Fatigue and Driving, Taylor and Francis Publishers, pp. 207-219, 1995.
Stoner, J.W. and Evans, D.F., "Database Development for Real-Time Driving Simulation," IPC-8, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, pp. 7-12, November, 1995.
Bhatti, A., Barlow, J.A. and Stoner, J.W., "Modeling Damage to Rigid Pavements Caused by Sub-grade Pumping," Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 122, No. 1, pp. 12-22, January/February, 1996.
Stoner, J.W. and Evans, D.F., "Virtual Environments for Evaluating ITS Systems," Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Yokohama, Japan, November, 1995.
Active Scientific and Professional Society Memberships:
- Transportation Research Board
- Institute of Transportation Engineers
- American Planning Association, Transportation Division
- Chi Epsilon
- Image Society
Special Fields of Knowledge:
- Transportation planning
- Real-time computer simulation
- Traffic engineering
- Project management
Research Areas:
- Dynamic simulation of vehicles and pavements
- Driver performance
- Visual data bases for ground vehicle simulation
- Vehicle dynamics
- Civil and Environmental Engineering